September 7


How to Do a Sugar Detox in 10 Steps

By Gabriela

September 7, 2023

Most people are aware that consuming sugar is not the smartest thing to do and that sugar is very bad. Also, research constantly reminds us that sugar is linked to terrible dental health, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.

However, there are a lot of people who think that sugar is not that bad. Such people should bear in mind that there is a difference between natural sugar and artificial sugar.

In fact, there is a huge difference between sugar which has been refined and added in huge quantities to almost every packaged and processed food in the supermarket, and naturally occurring sugar in fruit.

But no matter how people consume it they should know that excess sugar has been linked to cognitive problems, behavioral disorders, and heart disease.

As a matter of fact, sugar is also linked to weight gain, connective tissue, and degenerative bones.

Sugar is the same as cocaine; addiction happens. But do not worry, there is hope. There is a 10-step sugar detox plan to detox the organism from this unhealthy food. Learn how to do that.

Sugar Detox Plan in 10 Steps

Step #1 Remove All Flour and Sugar From Diet and House

Remove everything that is frozen (with the exception of frozen organic berries), packaged, and canned. Even potato chips contain sugar.

Commit to eating whole, fresh foods. That means to consume seeds, meats, nuts, eggs, fruits, poultry, vegetables, and seafood.

Step #2  Consume High-Protein Meal In the Morning

When we sleep, that means that we are fasting during the night which leads to high insulin levels and low carb levels. That is why most people reach for sweets when they wake up in the morning.

We need to fight this by consuming plenty of protein. Protein will make us feel full without spiking the blood glucose, and it will teach the body to use protein as energy.

In the morning we can consume a handful of walnuts, or eggs or have a protein shake.

Step #3 Drink Only Unsweetened Herbal Tea, Fresh Green Drinks, and Water

A sugary drink such as soda does not fill us up. Also, the energy it gives lasts short which means that we are going to have another drink after. Even if we are not soda lovers, there is a high possibility that our drinks are loaded with sugar.

Therefore the best thing to do is to consume plain water, fresh green drinks, and herbal tea.

Step #4 Reduce Stress Level

There is a reason why people who are under stress usually eat junk food. We should know that stress raises the cortisol level, which stimulates fat storage and causes hunger. However, de-stressing can reverse the whole process above mentioned.

We need to find our own way to reduce stress. This can be very simple we can watch a funny movie, take a fitness class, talk to a friend or go dancing. Also, we can have a hot bath, or read a book. Find what works best and stick to it.

Step #5 Lower Inflammation from Food Sensitivities

Inflammation can cause unhealthy blood glucose levels, type 1 diabetes, and insulin resistance. However, people should bear in mind that injury or illness are not the ones to blame regarding most inflammation, they should blame food sensitivities.

The most common foods that are the problem are dairy and gluten. Therefore we need to eliminate these foods as well.

We might not even be aware that we have an issue with dairy or gluten until we suddenly experience more energy and symptoms like nausea, bloating, headaches, and gas.

Step #6 Consume Healthy Fat

When it comes to obesity, most people turn to fat, but people should blame flour and sugar. In fact, fat helps to keep our blood glucose levels steady, keeps us feeling full and transports minerals and vitamins throughout the body.

Therefore, at every meal, we should have fat and protein. The best fats are nut butter (except peanut butter), seeds, wild-caught seafood, nuts, omega-3 – 3 fats from eggs and meat, olive oil, avocados, palm oil, and coconut oil.

We need to add these ingredients to the diet and enjoy the benefits.

Step #7 Begin with Strength Training

Strength training can help with the sugar detox and at the same time keep the blood glucose levels steady.

People should know that when they use the muscles, they need more sugar and that means less sugar in the bloodstream to increase their blood glucose and fewer sugar cravings later when the blood glucose starts to crash.

Remember the more lean muscles, the better the body works at getting blood sugar out of the bloodstream and into the muscles. Also, exercise will release endorphins which make us feel good, and in that way, we will reduce our mood eating.

Step #8 Get Enough Sleep

We are all aware that sleep is essential for the overall health. Sleeping at erratic times and lack of sleep can elevate our cortisol levels. The sleep also interferes with the ghrelin and leptin levels, the hormones that control satiety and hunger.

People should get from 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night, and they should always go to bed at the same time at night.

Step #9 Always Have Healthy Snacks at Reach

This 10-step detox might be difficult for us which is why we must be prepared. We need to keep healthy snacks in our laptop case, car, or desk at work.

Rely on portable treats such as celery with nut butter, nuts, berries, jerky, apples, and seeds. In every snack, it is best to combine fat, protein, and carbs.

Step #10 Get Plenty of Healthy Carbs

Many people make a mistake and avoid all carbs. But we should not do that. We should know that carbs are necessary for good functioning. However, the trick here is to consume the right carbs.

Consume low-sugar, non-starchy vegetables. This means no corn, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, and winter squash. Avoid them just for the detox period. Later we can eat them but in moderation.

In case we want something sweet to eat we can have low-sugar fruits such as plums, apples, and pears or we can eat fresh berries.


Doing a 10-step sugar detox might seem extreme to some people and difficult to others. But even research says that we need to get flour and sugar out of our diet forever. We need to begin with baby steps. The first step is always the hardest, right?

However, somebody has to do it. Follow the 10-step sugar detox for seven days. The first 2-3 days will be the hardest, but during the first week, people will notice that they feel better without sugar and flour. This detox plan will save one’s health and body.

Remember, in order to notice results tomorrow; we need to start today.


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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