September 19


Why Should We Never Skip Meals?

By Gabriela

September 19, 2022

Skipping meals at times sounds logical, and it’s tempting, especially if we’re simply not hungry, we’re busy, have high blood glucose, or maybe are trying to lose some extra pounds.

Although missing meals isn’t uncommon, it’s probably not wise, especially if we have diabetes. People with this chronic disease know that keeping blood glucose levels at normal is essential for properly managing the disease.

Yes, everything we eat comes with a substantial effect on blood sugar, but this also stands for everything we don’t eat.

Skipping Meals and Its Impact on Different Things

Our Blood Glucose Levels

Hypoglycemia or low blood glucose might be dangerous, especially for those with diabetes. They might experience fatigue, headaches, sweating, and dizziness because of the low level of sugar in the blood.

In minor cases consuming a beverage or food rich in sugar might increase blood glucose rapidly, but in severe cases, there is a need for medical attention.

We can prevent these episodes simply by eating on a schedule, i.e., not skipping meals and taking our prescribed medication.

Our Weight

Reaching a healthy weight is helpful when it comes to the proper management of this chronic disease. However, skipping meals to keep the calorie intake low is dangerous and ineffective.

The combination of low blood glucose and fasting might lead to overeating, and that for sure will counteract our efforts to reach our weight goal.

Bear in mind that healthily getting in shape needs a diet full of lean protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Our Medications

It’s essential to balance our medications no matter whether insulin injections or oral medication with our food consumption.

Both of the treatment methods mentioned above require a consistent eating schedule. Missing meals might raise our risk of developing hypoglycemia.

Study On This Topic

Recently at Ohio State University, there was a study made on this topic. According to this study skipping meals leads to abdominal weight gain and the development of insulin resistance in the liver.

The professor of human nutrition at this University, Martha Belury, notes that this study supports the notion that although not practical small meals during the day might help us reach our weight goal.

Skipping meals to save calories isn’t smart. That might only lead to bigger fluctuations in sugar and insulin and weight gain.

The Benefits of Having Regular Meals

  • Improve fasting blood sugar numbers
  • Help drugs do their jobs
  • Make orders every day
  • Meet weight goals
  • Boost energy and combat fatigue.

Therefore, next time someone thinks of skipping a meal, they should remember that it won’t benefit them at all. They should consult a registered dietitian and physician who might help them make a diet plan according to their schedule and needs.


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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