Fenugreek is a plant that grows in parts of Western Asia and Europe. The leaves of this plant are edible. However, this plant is famous thanks to its small brown seeds and their use in medicine.
The first initial use of fenugreek was in Egypt and it dates back to 1500 B.C. Furthermore, across South Asia and the Middle East, the seeds of this plant were traditionally used as medicine and spice.
You can purchase fenugreek as skin cream, spice (powdered or whole form), tea, and supplements (liquid form and concentrated pill).
How Does Fenugreek Affect Diabetes?
The seeds of this plant also known as fenugreek seeds might be useful and helpful to people who have diabetes. These seeds have fiber and other different chemicals.
These chemicals might slow down digestion and the absorption of body sugar and carbohydrates. Also, these seeds might help improve the way the body uses sugar and increase the amount of released insulin.
Some studies report that fenugreek can be an effective treatment for some conditions. Many of the studies focus only on fenugreek seeds and their ability to reduce blood glucose in people who have diabetes.
According to one study, 10 g of fenugreek seeds soaked in warm water as a daily dose might help in the control of type 2 diabetes.
On the other hand, another study reports that consuming baked goods like bread with fenugreek flour might lower insulin resistance in people who have type 2 diabetes.
Furthermore, an additional study came to the discovery that taking daily high doses of fenugreek for several weeks leads to significant improvements in the levels of plasma glucose.
However, the long-term levels of plasma glucose were not measured in this specific study. NDTV at this point, there is weak evidence when it comes to fenugreek seeds and their ability to reduce blood glucose.
Other Health Benefits of Fenugreek
The fenugreek seeds are abundant in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They help protect the cells of the body from any possible damage by free radicals i.e. unstable molecules.
Thanks to their potent antiviral properties, fenugreek seeds are usually used as an herbal remedy for sore throats and colds. Also, researchers think that these seeds might be effective when it comes to treating several conditions.
Those conditions are high cholesterol, arthritis, heartburn, kidney ailments, skin issues (boils, wounds, and rashes), upset stomach, bronchitis, constipation, abscesses, and hair loss.
Possible Risk of Fenugreek
You need to be aware that the consumption of fenugreek is not safe. Fenugreek might lead to effects on peripheral neuropathy and sciatic nerve issues. That can make you lose feeling in the nerves or lead to weak muscles.
After extended use some individuals report certain smells from their armpits, they describe that this smell is similar to maple syrup.
One particular study confirmed these claims. This study found that in fenugreek there are certain chemicals like dimethyl pyrazine that induce this smell.
However, do not confuse this smell with the one that is caused by MUSD, i.e., maple syrup urine disease. In this condition, MUSD makes a smell that has the same chemicals as the smell of maple syrup and fenugreek.
Furthermore, fenugreek can lead to allergic reactions. Before adding this plant to your diet, you need to consult your doctor about food allergies and do some tests to find out whether you can consume fenugreek.
In addition, fenugreek contains fiber which can make the body less effective when it comes to absorbing oral drugs. Pregnant women should avoid fenugreek or limit its use and use it only in cooking because there is a possibility it causes labor.
Where Can You Buy It?
Fenugreek seeds and leaves, i.e., methi are found in Asian food stores. On the other hand, herbal supplements that have fenugreek seed extract and fenugreek seed powder in the form of a capsule are available from health food companies.
How to Add Fenugreek To Your Usual Diet
You should know that the fenugreek seeds have a nutty, bitter taste. These seeds are usually used in spice blends. Indian recipes use these seeds in pickles, curries, and also other sauces.
When it comes to consumption, you can sprinkle fenugreek powder over your yogurt or simply drink fenugreek tea.
If you do not feel comfortable using fenugreek or you are not sure how to properly use it you need to consult a dietitian. Your dietitian can help to include fenugreek in your usual diabetes meal plan.
Traditional Diabetes Treatments
There are other options regarding diabetes treatment along with fenugreek. To maintain a high-quality life with a diabetes diagnosis, you need to keep your blood glucose at normal levels.
To aid your body to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, you need to make a few lifestyle changes, such as:
- Being active 5 days per week for at least 30 minutes daily.
- Maintaining a diet with high amounts of fiber, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. And at the same time reduce processed foods.
- Choosing healthy fats and lean protein sources, avoiding sweetened beverages, excessively processed meat, and processed and boxed foods.
Taking proper medication can help you keep your blood glucose at healthy levels. Medications can help control your body’s use and the creation of insulin.
Word of Caution
Consult your doctor in case you have any questions about diabetes drugs. This herb comes with risks as other different herbs reduce blood sugar.
Fenugreek can lead to too-low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia) if you take it alongside the prescribed drugs for diabetes. As a result, you might need to change your dose of anti-diabetic medication.
Before making any changes to your medication, diet, and lifestyle, you need to consult your doctor. Your doctor will tell you which treatments and activities are best for you.
Remember you are stronger than diabetes.
Source Health Line | Diabetes | NCBI | Hogrefe | Mayo Clinic | Medical News Today | NCBI | Healthline