February 17


The Most Common Blood Sugar Testing Mistakes to Avoid

By Gabriela

February 17, 2022

More and more people every day are being diagnosed with diabetes and prediabetes. It is not a surprise that this condition is becoming a widespread epidemic in the U.S. And people who recently joined the ranks, probably have no idea how to manage the condition.

Well, that is normal. It can be an overwhelming condition to understand, especially if people constantly need to check their blood sugar levels. Something else that also comes with the condition is blood testing.

Those who have blood sugar problems have to regularly do blood tests. And blood testing might prove challenging for some. There are plenty of mistakes people can do that will affect their results.

So, here are the most common blood sugar testing mistakes.

8 Blood Sugar Testing Mistakes to Avoid

It can be incredibly difficult to understand the guidelines on how to properly manage blood sugar testing. But, the good news is, we have a few tips that can help people out.

In the end, people can avoid making these extremely common mistakes.

1. Testing at the Wrong Time

There are a lot of people who do a blood test at the wrong time – immediately after eating. This is the first mistake people do when they are testing their blood sugar level. In addition, the reading will show that their blood sugar is extremely high.

However, if they test it two hours after a meal, they will get more accurate results.  Therefore, wait 2 hours after eating to get accurate readings.

2. Pricking the Fingertip

This is another common mistake. People tend to take a blood sample from their fingertips. However, it ends up being extremely painful. The reason for this is that the fingertip contains all the nerve endings.

In fact, the pad of the fingertip is the most sensitive spot in the body. Therefore, it is bound to hurt. To avoid painful pricking, place the hands flat with the fingertips and palms pressed together.

Now, prick the edges that are visible. This way taking a blood sample can be less painful.

3. Incorrectly Cleaning the Fingers

According to Dr. Amori, the most common mistake people make is washing their fingers with alcohol. It is not a good idea. Using alcohol on the fingertips can dry the skin and cause more pain.

Moreover, people also don’t clean their fingers. Instead, they believe that liking the finger is enough to get rid of the bacteria. But, that is also not a good idea.

Whatever was in the mouth, now is on the finger. Therefore, doctors recommend properly cleaning the finger before taking a blood sample.

According to a study, taking a blood sample from unclean hands can affect the results of the testing.

As a result, it is best that people wash their hands with warm water and soap and dry them before taking a blood sample.

4. Pricking the Same Finger Every Time

Pricking the same spot over and over again can cause huge discomfort. Therefore, it is best always to switch the fingers. Use a different finger every day. Plus, picking a different finger each time will let the other finger heal.

This way, people might avoid pain.

5. Misusing Test Strips and Lancets

It is crucial that people use the right supplies for blood sugar testing. In other words, people should use test strips that are recommended specifically for them, and accurate glucose meters, and lancets.

Plus, the more they use the lancets, the duller they become. Therefore, it is important to change them to avoid pain. Moreover, try not to use poorly stored or expired test strips. They can give inaccurate readings.

As a result, we highly recommend that people use a fresh lancet every time, store the strips properly, and always check the expiration date.

6. Not Understanding the Glucose Meter

It is important that people check if their glucose meter is working from time to time. Also, people have to follow the instructions for using it properly.

Moreover, it is crucial that people take good care of it. If they don’t know how to use it, they must consult with a doctor or pharmacist.

7. Skipping Meals

This might seem not so important, but no matter if people have the condition or not, they shouldn’t skip their meals. Not eating might increase one’s blood sugar level which could lead to insulin resistance.

The best way to deal with this problem is to eat small meals more frequently. In the end, people will boost their metabolism, replenish the nutrients in their body and lower the number on the scale.

8. Mindless Testing

It is important that people learn from the results of their blood tests. Understand them and know what they are doing. This way, people will know if they have to implement some changes to better manage their condition.

The best way to read our results is to consult with a doctor. In addition, the doctor can help prescribe the right medication and diet that is best suited for our condition.


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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