January 28


New Pill Could Lower Blood Glucose and Boosts Weight Loss in Type 2 Diabetes

By Gabriela

January 28, 2021

For people with diabetes, every new research represents new hope. Well, there is one great piece of news for people with diabetes.

According to a recent study, the researchers made a new pill that could lower blood glucose in diabetes type 2, while at the same time helping individuals lose weight. Science Daily

More About This Medication

The pill is known by the name Semaglutide. Semaglutide actually allowed 71 % of the test participants to lose weight. In addition, they can also capitalize on apps like the most accurate tdee calculator to further reach their health goals.

This is a massive step forward because most treatments activate weight gain. And we are all aware that weight gain is a compounding factor when it comes to type 2 diabetes.

This medication might help stabilize blood glucose levels. The best news is that the pills might be available on the NHS in 3 years.

Type 2 diabetes occurs due to too much sugar in the blood and because the body does not turn this sugar into energy. Over time the condition gets worse, and usually, it is diagnosed in obese or overweight people and older people.

People with type 2 diabetes, need to self-monitor their sugar intake through their diet, in order to maintain their health.

Statistics on Diabetes

According to statistics, around 415 million people have diabetes worldwide; this includes those people who are undiagnosed.

The bad thing is that the number continues to rise. The worst outcome of this condition is blindness, leg amputations, and heart failure. This is a great cause for concern regarding the global medical community.

The experts warn that the NHS will not be able to face the burden, in case no action is taken.

The opinion of the Lead Professor Melanie Davies

According to Melanie Davies, lead professor, this pill might give relief to those people who have difficulties injecting themselves.

According to her, injectable therapies are an issue for some patients, therefore, having something to take orally will make things easier for these patients. Anything which makes the treatment easier and accessible is good.

We should be aware that type 2 diabetes is a severe condition that comes with potentially devastating complications. This condition is a big challenge to health services worldwide since there are increasing numbers of individuals who develop this condition.

The obtained results from the study actually show the ability of this pill to have a remarkable influence on lowering HbA1c and supporting weight loss.

This pill stimulates insulin production and suppresses the secretion of glucagon which is a glucose-raising hormone. Also, this pill suppresses the appetite.

Along with the weight loss, the participants in the study also recorded reduced levels of HbA1C. This is how blood glucose is actually measured over time.

Almost nine-tenths of the participants were with less the 7 % of HbA1C levels. In fact, a healthy person has below 6 % of HbA1c levels. These recent results are welcomed and encouraging across the diabetes community.

Do you have problems injecting yourself?


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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