November 23


18 Herbs and Supplements That Can Help Reduce High Blood Sugar

By Gabriela

November 23, 2021

Living with diabetes means including new additions to our lifestyle like proper food and adequate exercise. The good thing about this, even though it’s hard, is actually the step in the best direction possible.

This is why we’ve gathered a list of some foods, ingredients, and supplements that people should look into if they want to improve their current lifestyle and boost metabolism with the right ingredients.

Another good thing about this list is that it consists of ingredients that are not only good for the overall health, but for blood glucose control as well.

Read below.

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is an ingredient mostly known for consisting of curcumin, which has been used for medicinal purposes in the past. It’s also a widespread fact that it’s the main culprit for giving curry the yellow pigment.

According to a study, we can help lower our sugar levels by a whopping 18% by consuming at least 300 milligrams per day. Another study was developed by scientists who gave two hundred people to take a curcumin dosage of 1.5 g. grams daily for a span of nine months.

This was also a very successful experiment, and it delivered positive results.

Curcumin is also antioxidative, as well as anti-inflammatory. This means that if we want to prevent heart disease and other similar diabetes complications, this is the ingredient for us.

 2. Ginger

Ginger is already a widespread plant known for its numerous health benefits. Now, people are claiming that it can be useful for blood sugar levels as well.

According to a study where eighty-eight people took a ginger dosage of three grams per day for the span of eight weeks, it can be very helpful when it comes to diabetes treatment since it effectively reduces the levels of HbA1c, as well as fasting blood sugar.

Stick to the daily dosage of two to three grams, give it a little while, and experience its positive effects.

Ginger also protects blood vessels thanks to the active compounds that it consists of. It is also anti-inflammatory, as well as an antioxidant.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon also has a reputation for helping people with their blood glucose management. Studies have shown that cinnamon helps people to reduce insulin resistance. If we take some cinnamon after our meal it can also help us with immediate drops in the blood sugar levels.

Even though the research for this ingredient isn’t consistent and not everyone agrees with its 100% benefits, it’s still a good idea to look into it. Cinnamon also helps us reduce LDL cholesterol levels.

The only problem regarding the recommendation of cinnamon is the fact that there are various types of it that provide different results. This is why we need to make sure that we’re doing our research before taking anything.

We always have to do our homework, since all systems are different.

There are two cinnamon types; Cassia and Ceylon. People claim that Cassia is better for reducing blood sugar, and most people use this one for their treatment. It’s important to know that even though people use it, it can still cause some liver damage if we overboard with the damage.

If we decide to use cinnamon, we should make sure to use it in moderation.

4. Onion

Onion is one of the things we can use to help lower and balance out our levels that have been tested by experts. The only downside, it was only tested on animals and has yet to be checked out with humans participating in the studies.

According to these studies, a hundred grams of onions a day can help reduce blood sugar and balance it out. It’s important to use red onions instead of white, though. They prove a significant decrease in blood sugar levels.

Also, the best way to consume is just to make it a part of our meal and cook it along with other ingredients. This can lower blood sugar after a meal.

5. Black Curry

Black curry is a flower seed that has been used in traditional medicinal practices for generations back.

Experts claim that thanks to their studies on animals, black curry can help fight bacteria, help fight inflammation, as well as help lower blood lipids.

According to a study that had more than a thousand participants, experts claim that black curry can actually help reduce HbA1c, as well as fasting sugar.

We should make sure to stay careful and to speak to a professional before consuming, just to make sure it will not affect us in any negative way.

6. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a herb that people have been using to help treat various health issues for generations.

Thanks to modern-day experts and studies today we know that using fenugreek is good for helping reduce fasting sugar as well as HbA1c. Even though the studies haven’t been consistent enough to make 100% claims, this herb can still help us.

Although in certain studies fenugreek reduced the sugar levels by only 17 mg/dl, we can still use it in our diet as well as use it to prevent developing diabetes as well.

According to another study, we can reduce the risk of getting diabetes if we use fenugreek as a supplement. The only known side effect currently is stomach pain and a feeling of uneasiness, so be careful.

7. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is already one of the most famous plants that hold a spectrum of benefits that will just make us use it! From skin burns to lowering fasting sugar levels, we can only imagine all of the in-between benefits of this list.

Even though it is still under research, experts are claiming that Aloe Vera can help us reduce fasting blood sugar, as well as HbA1c.  No matter the positive effects, we should always be careful about trying out something new, especially if we have diabetes. It’s best to consult a professional.

8. Berberine

Experts have been researching berberine for a long time. It’s slowly becoming common knowledge that we can use this supplement that comes from plants. Berberine can help us improve inflammation difficulties, as well as lower blood sugar levels and reduce blood lipid levels.

According to e 3-month long study that had 36 participants, berberine came close to Metformin when it comes to effectiveness.

By using berberine, patients participating in the study, the levels of HbA1c were reduced from 9.4 to 7.4%. It also reduced fasting blood sugar by thirty-six percent.

The only problem with berberine is that it’s digested very slowly, so we have to take larger amounts than usual. To this, there are side effects, and they are stomach pain, diarrhea, and flatulence.

No matter the side effects, since it’s so effective, scientists keep exploring its wide-range benefits.

9. Blueberry

According to studies, not only blueberries but also berries from the family Vaccinium, like whortleberries and bilberries are suitable for consumption if we want to find effective natural ingredients to treat diabetes.

We can also use these berries as something to help us prevent diabetes also. Not only that, but the berries are good for preventing oxidative damage, as well as inflammation and overall lowering of blood sugar.

Some of the results that came out to be very promising for these berries are coming from a study that took extracts from whortleberries. The participants from the study took it 3 times per day for a span of two months. This resulted in a 13.5% lowered blood sugar, as well as HbAc1 by a whopping 7.3%.

Taking these berries is also good for lowering our blood sugar after our meal.

Even though there are still many studies to be made regarding this topic, it’s still good to look into the benefits.

10. Chromium

Chromium is a supplement and not really something to consume as a natural product, and probably because of that or some other reasons, people deem it to be quite the controversial thing to use it for treating and preventing diabetes.

Even though during certain studies the use of chromium proved no real effects, other studies, however, claim that it is really beneficial to use because it actually is capable of lowering blood sugar.

Even though there are not many more in-depth studies that indicate whether using chromium is truly that important or not, it still needs further studies that are going to close the chapter and tell us what to actually do.

 11. Magnesium

Experts are claiming that magnesium can play a positive role in the fight for efficient diabetes treatment. According to a study in which 600 thousand people took participated, a whopping 17% lesser chance of developing diabetes if we consume magnesium as a supplement came as a result.

This means that if we would like to prevent and help treat the condition, using magnesium is a good option.

Another trait is that magnesium is actually good at helping us lower and reduce our fasting sugar, as well as HbA1c.

We should do our research before making the decision to take magnesium as a supplement. Talking to a professional can never do any harm.

12. Vitamin C

One of the most common and with that most essential supplements we should always have in our drawer is the supplement vitamin C.

Even though there aren’t any concrete and specific studies that indicate direct influence when it comes to treating diabetes, taking vitamin C benefits our overall entire system, which is going to make our job at maintaining our health a lot easier, and that’s always good.

13. Coenzyme Q10

This enzyme is very important and plays a big role when it comes to producing energy. Coenzyme Q10 is going to help us improve nerve function, oxidative damage, and protect and preserve our kidney health.

14. Coriander

Cilantro or coriander is a widespread herb that a lot of people use for lots of different purposes.

But when it comes to experts, they claim that thanks to the enzymes that coriander has in its system, it can actually help us digest carbs properly and it will contribute to the process of turning them into sugars, which stands for energy.

Experts also say that coriander has antioxidative effects, as well as lowering lipid levels.

15. Rosemary

A world-famous herb that we use in the kitchen to spice up our dishes. Rosemary is actually a very healthy and beneficial herb that’s going to help us with a wide range of health issues.

Studies say that it can benefit people living with diabetes to help treat it, however, there are a lot more studies and tests that need to be done in order to be 100% sure.

16. Garlic

Garlic is one of the most famous ingredients that people have been using to treat high blood pressure and diabetes for decades.

Even though a lot of these benefits have mainly been examined in animals, we may want to ask our grandmother or mother – garlic has a traditional use when it comes to treating these issues.

 17. Bitter Melon

Bitter melon has been used to treat diabetes for generations in some areas like South America and Asia. Since there is such a huge word out when it comes to treating certain health issues thanks to this subtropical vine, it’s important to mention it as well.

Even though there are not many official studies that prove the word of mouth of generations back, we can still ask around and consult a professional to give us their opinion on whether we should try it out or not.

More studies are sure to be on their way through.

18. Green Tea

Green tea is an incredible antioxidant, that has a wide range of benefits. Drinking green tea will make sure we stay away from type II diabetes, as well as cardiovascular diseases. It also helps our body to be more sensitive to insulin.

Even though there are studies to come, green tea is very beneficial for our system and is safe to use.


Before taking any of these supplements, we should always speak to a professional before trying out new treatments that are going to help us fight diabetes, or to rather just prevent it, or better yet, just to improve our overall health and make sure our system is working with full-steam.

And we should always buy our supplements from a genuine, legitimate source.

Source: HealthLine


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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