November 26


The Link Between Alzheimer’s and Diabetes We Must Know

By Gabriela

November 26, 2021

Most of us know that there are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. There’s also the gestational one that occurs in pregnant women. However, researchers suggest that there might be another type, type 3.

According to many studies in the past decade, Alzheimer’s disease might be considered type 3 diabetes. But, why is that, and how is this brain disorder connected with that blood sugar disease?

Here’s everything we’ve found about the link between these two conditions.

The Link Between Alzheimer’s and Diabetes

According to researchers, there will be around 106 million people with Alzheimer’s by the end of 2050. In fact, this progressive brain disorder is the number seven leading cause of death. But, how is it related to diabetes?

Studies show that insulin resistance is not only the cause of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes but also of the brain-damage cascade which leads to memory loss. This, in turn, leads to the development of Alzheimer’s.

Insulin resistance develops from eating too many carbs and sugar, and not enough good fat. But, it turns out this diet can also cause dementia and pre-dementia.

Consequently, limiting the intake of refined carbs and sugar, and adding more fat to our diet can prevent and reverse early dementia and pre-dementia.

We can have memory loss and brain damage from insulin resistance and high insulin levels even if we don’t have type 2 diabetes.

Researchers have connected these two conditions since 2005, but the link between Alzheimer’s and poor diet is becoming stronger than ever.

But, to understand all that, we have to know the role of insulin in our body.

The Role of Insulin

Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas which enables the glucose from the blood to enter the cells for energy production. Excess glucose in the blood is stored as glycogen, and even more, is stored as fat.

We get glucose from eating carbs and sugar. The job of insulin is to maintain the blood vessels that supply the brain healthy, as well as stimulate the neurons in the brain to absorb glucose, thus strengthening them.

Insufficient levels of insulin in the brain will result in reduced brain function.

And, once our brain develops insulin resistance, we’ll start losing memory. This can progress into disorientation and loss of personality, or in other words, Alzheimer’s.

How to Reverse Memory Loss

To reverse cognitive decline and dementia, we must stabilize our blood glucose levels and control our insulin levels. This, in turn, will boost our energy, help us focus, improve our mood, and prevent brain disorders related to aging, such as Alzheimer’s.

Here are eight steps to help us reverse memory loss:

  • Balance blood glucose levels – follow a low-glycemic diet, exercise regularly, avoid stress
  • Eat good fats – omega-3s from coconut oil, fatty fish, avocados, extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, and whole eggs.
  • Exercise regularly – at least 30 minutes (at least walking)
  • Supplement wisely – consult a doctor or dietitian to take an omega-3 fat supplement, multi-vitamin and mineral supplement, extra B12, B6, D3, and folate.
  • Check thyroid hormones
  • Detox from heavy metals such as mercury
  • Manage stress – with the help of yoga, meditation. or anything that will help us calm down
  • Sleep 8 hours every night – lack of sleep is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline

We hope this article will motivate people to take more care of their blood sugar levels since one of the complications it could lead to is Alzheimer’s.


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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