February 21


What are the Effects of Short-Term Fasting on Blood Sugar Levels?

By Gabriela

February 21, 2022

Fasting means not consuming drinks and food for some period. People do this usually due to religious reasons, and it involves an individual refraining from drinking and food. Although it is also done for health reasons.

Fasting can help lower size, but according to recent studies is it also good for those with type 2 diabetes.

The researchers at Tel Aviv University, in Israel, conducted a study. This study measured how short-term fasting impacts markers of blood glucose control in a few people with that type.

The Diabetes Care Journal published this study. In fact, this study explores the influence of skipping breakfast on postprandial blood glucose levels, FFAs, i.e., free fatty acids and insulin among other markers.

More About This Research

This research lasted for 2 days, and there were 22 participants in total. On the first day, all participants had breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the 3 main meals. However, on the second day, they fasted until 1.30 pm.

The composition of these meals was similar to the typical Western diet. These meals were with half of the calories from carbs, low-fat content, and a moderate amount of protein.

The participants in this study were middle-aged and habitually had breakfast. Also, they had HbA1c of 60.7 mmol or mol with no apparent signs of complications related to the condition.

The researchers compared the values for FFAs, insulin, and glucose throughout the 2-day test. After they did that, they came to the discovery that skipping breakfast caused higher blood glucose levels after dinner and also lunch.

The concentration of FFAs in regards to skipping breakfast stayed elevated until lunch. That indicates that the fatty acids from storage fat got released to meet the energy needs time of fasting.

What is interesting is the fact that the insulin levels were lower on the day when they consumed breakfast after each meal.

This means that for a longer time, skipping breakfast might aid slow down or lowering insulin resistance development.


The researchers noted that breakfast is important due to blood glucose surges without it. However, the study supports fasting when it comes to controlling the levels of insulin.

According to speculation if the participant had eaten a low carb in time of the fasting window, the blood glucose surges that post-meal could have been reduced or avoided.

The fact that skipping breakfast and intermittent fasting can aid improve insulin sensitivity is vital. According to increasing evidence, insulin resistance, and hyperinsulinemia might raise risks regarding vascular complications such as atherosclerosis.


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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