March 21


Useful Tips to Deal with Diabetes-Related Anger

By Gabriela

March 21, 2018

Often feel irritated? Feel angry about small things? This might occur due to our diabetes. Yes, diabetes and anger seem to go together. Why is that? It is like that since managing diabetes can make us feel angry.

And that in turn might lead to elevations in our blood glucose. People should know that both type 2 diabetes and type 1 diabetes might be physically taxing.

However, both conditions can take toll on the mental health as well. According to some studies, there is a connection between diabetes and mood-related disorders, such as anxiety and depression.

As a matter of fact, the physical signs might sometimes exacerbate negative feelings, and that is why it is vital to learn how to handle diabetes-related anger.

Diabetes-Related Anger

If one has diabetes, then they’ll probably try to keep healthy cholesterol levels, healthy blood glucose levels, and healthy blood pressure.

This can be really challenging, and yes it is normal to get angry about it and all the necessary steps people  need to take in order to achieve this.

Of course, people are going to get angry cause they’re a human being, but one should know that that does no good to at all. From the initial diagnosis, people’s lifestyle might require drastic changes which need a lot of time, focus, hard work, and self-control.

Some people feel threatened because of the possible complications, and here they use anger as a defense mechanism.

It is vital to find out how to identify anger and use it to improve health. Yes, this is possible. Intrigued? Read on to learn more.

How to Deal with Irritability Related to Diabetes

Differentiate Between Emotional and Physical Signs

Recognition and identification of the anger and its source is the key to dealing with this. When we feel angry, we need to stop and ask ourself if this is due to emotional triggers or physical discomfort.

Sometimes it might be the physical discomfort and or emotional triggers, but sometimes it might be both. By knowing the difference, we can have power over it and follow the suitable tips to manage it.

To deal with this, we need to ensure that our mental health becomes our top priority. Distinguish and then take the suitable steps described below.

Talk About Feelings

Diabetes is a life-threatening condition. Therefore it is normal to have feelings about the many challenges this condition brings.

Don’t keep the feelings inside. Even if we talk only little about our struggles with a loved one or a trusted friend we will feel better.

Opening about our feelings can mean so much.

If one doesn’t know where to start, then just take a second and breathe. Be honest about the daily struggles and if one feels like they cannot go through it alone, feel free to ask for help.

There might be specific lifestyle changes we will need to make which will require the support of our closest friends and family. Ask for help, these are the people who love you, and they would do anything to help.

Learn How to Benefit from the Anger

Turn this around and take advantage of the anger. Keep an anger journal. Write down the feelings.

This can be beneficial. Read this journal periodically in times when calm, and by reading the words learn more about the feelings and what causes them.

Some individuals feel self-conscious about their health, and that makes them feel angry.

In order to deal with this, people need to share details about their condition with your co-workers, family, and friends. In that way, the people who are around them on a daily basis will understand them more.

They will learn about food restrictions, and how they can help you in case of emergencies.

Also, people can work with a diabetes health care team, which can help them gain total control over their condition. This team might include a therapist, treating physician, diabetes nurse educator, dentist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, and dietitian.

People can learn more about their condition by joining self-help or support group.

In case they tried to deal with anger on their own and nothing works, then they need to schedule an appointment with a therapist or a counselor.

In addition, people can consult a doctor about special programs to deal with this, that is anger-management programs. With the right help, they will learn how to use their own anger to improve their mental and physical health.

Make Sure to Get Check-Ups Regularly

Certainly, diabetes can lead to mood swings, but by getting check-ups on a regular basis, people will make sure that there is nothing else which will cause this irritability.

Bear in mind that stress, disease, and hormonal imbalances might cause the feelings of agitation. A doctor can find out if maybe the irritability is due to another condition.

Check the Blood Glucose Levels

Extreme fluctuations in blood glucose might lead to severe mood swings. Therefore the anger might be because of the current blood glucose.

Check the blood glucose whenever begin to feel agitated. In fact, some people notice patterns such as feeling more irritable in times when the blood glucose begins to drop.

For example- that is when they should monitor their blood sugar in order to manage it well.

Here’s How to Help, If the Loved One Has Mood Swings

Is not enough if one person does his best to deal with it. The whole family needs to help in order to get better.

And this requires having to change certain habits.  In case people want their loved one to stop having mood swings and blood sugar fluctuations they should do their best to help and be part of the team.

For instance, if a loved one is trying to eat healthily, support them with that decision.

In case they love donuts, don’t bring any late at night because in that way it will tempt them. Or, don’t force them to eat donuts if they don’t want to. Respect their decision.

Therefore do best to embrace a healthier life with a loved one and use this opportunity to being and lead a healthier lifestyle as a family. Encourage the whole family to join. Last, but not least listen to the loved one when they choose to talk about their feelings.


By understanding our anger, we will have control over it. Remember one thing, diabetes is like a roller coaster. This condition has ups and downs, but it is our decision if we are going to scream or enjoy the ride.


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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