August 7


Why We Should Eat Garlic More Often?

By Gabriela

August 7, 2024

Garlic is one of the first foods which was used to deal with different health conditions. Moreover, it was used to maintain overall health. Nowadays, the use of natural remedies such as garlic is on the rise.

You should know that garlic infuses a tasty, earthy flavor into many dishes, but that is not all. Garlic is also a powerful ally when it comes to cooking cause it can help the health of your heart and your immunity.

Read on, to find out more about the many health benefits of this common yet extremely beneficial food.

#10 Health Benefits of Garlic

#1 Beneficial for Your Blood Glucose Levels

Garlic is a culinary spice that is famous for its many medicinal properties. Garlic has a long history as a treatment for many different health conditions, and this includes diabetes.

Regardless of whether cooked or raw garlic can help regulate blood sugar. In addition, it has medicinal properties that help diminish and prevent the effects of specific diabetes-related complications.

Garlic is known to lower blood glucose in the blood, act upon low-density lipids or bad cholesterol, boost the immune system, prevent heart disease, and normalize blood pressure.

Moreover, it can prevent and combat arteriosclerosis, and infections and maintain good circulation of the blood. The Biomedical Science Department at the University of King Faisal in Saudi Arabia made a study on this topic.

According to the study, garlic can alleviate the risk of oxidative stress and metabolic syndrome.

#2 Galic Improves Athletic Performance

Traditionally, garlic was used in ancient cultures to boost the work capacity and lower the fatigue of the laborers. The Olympic athletes in ancient Greece took garlic for that reason.

According to rodent studies, garlic can help with exercise performance. There is a need for further research on this topic.

#3 Garlic Has Antioxidants Which Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

The oxidative damage contributes to the process of aging. Garlic contains antioxidants that support the protective mechanisms of the body against oxidative damage.

According to studies, garlic supplements in high doses can increase the antioxidant enzymes in people and notably lower oxidative stress in people who have high blood pressure.

The combined effects on lowering blood pressure and cholesterol along with the antioxidant properties might help stop common brain diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

#4 Garlic Helps You Live Longer

Due to its beneficial effects on blood pressure, you can conclude that garlic can help you live longer. Another crucial factor is the fact that garlic can combat infectious diseases.

#5 Might Improve the Health of Your Bones

According to rodent studies, garlic might minimize bone loss by increasing the hormone estrogen.

Based on one study on menopausal women dose of a dry garlic extract daily which is equal to 2 g of raw garlic notably lowered a marker of deficiency in estrogen.

According to this garlic might have beneficial effects when it comes to the health of the bones in women.

#6 It Can Improve Your Cholesterol Levels

You should know that garlic can reduce LDL and total cholesterol by 10 to 15 percent. Garlic seems to lower bad cholesterol without having a reliable effect on good cholesterol.

#7 It Can Detoxify the Heavy Metals in Your Body

The sulfur compounds found in garlic can protect against damaging the organs from heavy metal toxicity if these compounds are found in high doses.

There was a 4-week study done on this topic. The participants were employees of a car battery plant, and all of them were consistently exposed to lead.

According to this study, garlic lowered lead levels by 19 percent. Also, it helped lower many clinical symptoms of toxicity such as high blood pressure and headaches.

3 daily doses of garlic even outperformed the medication D-penicillamine when it comes to symptom reduction.

#8 Garlic Lowers Blood Pressure

Cardiovascular diseases such as strokes and heart attacks are the biggest killers in the world. Hypertension which is high blood pressure is one of the most vital drivers of both conditions.

Human studies came to the discovery that garlic supplementation has a notable influence on lowering blood pressure in individuals with hypertension.

#9 Garlic May Fight Sickness, Such As the Common Cold

Garlic can boost your immunity. One 12-week study came to the discovery that garlic supplementation daily lowered the number of colds by around 63 percent.

This is a comparison to the placebo. Moreover, the average length of cold signs was lowered by 70 percent, from five days in the placebo to one and a half days in the group who took garlic.

#10 Garlic Is Low In Calories

The garlic is Spice World Inc. 28 g of garlic has:

RDA – Recommended Dietary Allowance

  • Selenium – around 6 percent of the RDA
  • Vitamin B6 – approximately 17 percent of the RDA
  • Manganese – roughly 23 percent of the RDA
  • Vitamin C – about 15 percent of the RDA
  • Fiber – approximately 0.6 g of the RDA

Moreover, garlic contains vitamin B1, calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus, and potassium. In addition, garlic has trace amounts of different other nutrients. The garlic has 42 calories, 9 g of carbs, and 1.8 g of protein.

How to Include Garlic in Your Diet

It is very easy to include this food in your usual diet. The garlic complements many savory dishes, mainly sauces, and soups. The garlic has a strong taste which adds a punch to bland recipes.

To enjoy the therapeutic effects, you need to eat garlic with your meals from 2 to 3 times daily. The best way to eat garlic is to eat it raw. But you can also cut it or crush it and then add it to your recipes.

How do you use garlic? Make sure to consult your doctor first before you add garlic to your usual diet. Your doctor should know about all changes in your diet and diabetes management plan.


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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