November 14


Why People with High Blood Sugar Should Eat High-Protein Breakfast?

By Gabriela

November 14, 2022

We all have heard that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” but do we know Food Navigator? Well, it wakens our metabolism, thus helping us burn more calories during the day.

If we skip it, our body will get the message that it doesn’t need to burn any upcoming calories, but rather conserve them.

What’s more, we’re more likely to eat unhealthy snacks, thus increasing our chances of being overweight and obese.

When it comes to people with type 2 diabetes, breakfast is extremely important as well. Not only that they mustn’t skip it, but they should also choose the right type of foods for their blood sugar levels.

Here’s why people with diabetes shouldn’t skip breakfast and what foods they should eat to keep their blood sugar levels in check throughout the day.

Why Is Breakfast Important for People with Diabetes

During the night, we’ve run out of fuel so we need food to kick-start our metabolism. But, if we don’t give our body any food, it’ll have to make its own.

It’ll do that by releasing the stored blood glucose into our bloodstream, thus resulting in higher blood sugar levels than normal.

That’s why people with type 2 diabetes need to have a healthy breakfast each day for proper diabetes management. In fact, the trick is to keep our metabolism working throughout the entire day at a steady rate.

The Best Type of Breakfast

As we said, our breakfast affects our blood sugar levels throughout the entire day. The Journal of Nutrition published research conducted on 12 people with type 2 diabetes.

Researchers analyzed the effects of high-carb and high-protein breakfast on the participants’ glucose response and glucose concentrations after meals.

They divided the participants into two groups, one of which had breakfast high in carbs but low in protein, and the other one high in proteins but low in carbs. The research lasted for seven days.

The results showed that those eating high-protein breakfast had higher insulin levels after lunch, and lower glucose levels after breakfast, in comparison with the other group.

This means that having a breakfast rich in proteins can prevent significant blood sugar spikes after eating, and more stable blood glucose levels throughout the day.

How Much Protein

People with type 2 diabetes should consumeHealthline at breakfast to manage their blood glucose after meals.

How to Get 25 Grams of Protein

Here’s an example of a breakfast that consists of 25 g of protein.

  • 1 whole-wheat toast slice with light butter – 3 g
  • 2 eggs – 14 g
  • A cup of milk – 8 g

Besides providing the necessary amount of protein for healthy blood sugar levels, this breakfast is delicious.

One thing to remember is that we can include foods with carbs in our high-protein breakfast, so we don’t have to choose only protein-rich foods for our first meal. Those who need a good source of protein may consider taking plant-based protein powder.

Finding Balance

Combining the right foods will make breakfast that’s ideal for our blood glucose and taste buds at the same time. We can go with protein + starch + milk + fruit, for instance.

Even though starchy foods or fruits can raise our blood sugar levels at a certain point, it doesn’t mean we should completely exclude them from our diet. It’s important to make the right combinations and consume them in little amounts.

Enjoy your protein breakfast and don’t forget to check your blood sugar levels afterward.


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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