December 5


How to Support a Loved One with Diabetes

By Gabriela

December 5, 2022

Managing a particular condition, such as diabetes is not easy since it takes constant work and attention.

When it comes to diabetes, even the smallest food choice might increase blood glucose levels. It is difficult for those who have diabetes and also for those who are around them such as their family, friends, and loved ones.

However, the good news is that having support from the people around us is very beneficial for diabetes management.

So, how to help a loved one with diabetes? Turns out, our knowledge about the condition is of immense importance.

It’s easy – all we need to learn is the do’s, and the don’ts. Well, prepare to be the best partner, parent, friend, or family member to that special person who has this chronic condition. We are not wasting any more time, let’s start.

6 Don’ts

1. Don’t Act Like the Diabetes Police

Yes, it totally fine if we are worried about the food choices of our loved ones, but we should not cross the line and act as the police. We shouldn’t nag about every single choice which we think is not right. Nobody wants to be watched over.

2. Don’t Be the Doctor

Our special one has a doctor and, they don’t want one at home as well. We might be giving the wrong advice such as outdated information or myths about the condition.

Let the doctors give the recommendations.

3. Don’t Stare

It’s not fine if we stare while someone is doing insulin shots or drawing blood in order to test their blood glucose. It might be unusual for us, but for them, it’s entirely normal. It might be hard for them to do that, therefore staring will only make things worse.

4. Don’t Compare Them to Other People with the Condition

Each diabetes patient has their own struggle. Yes, we might know someone else, but that doesn’t give us the right to become experts and make comparisons.

Never talk about the horror stories of someone else when it comes to dealing with this condition. What’s the point of it? It’s not helpful in any way.

5. Don’t Minimize Diabetes

We mentioned that we should not go overboard and exaggerate when it comes to diabetes. However, diabetes is a serious condition and we should treat it and take it as such a condition.

Don’t say “it’s not a big deal”. Instead, support them to manage the condition in order to prevent its complications and side effects.

6. Don’t Judge

We shouldn’t judge the way they manage their condition. In case we notice that their blood glucose is too high or maybe too low, we shouldn’t make any comments. They probably already feel bad about it, commenting will only make things worse.

6 Do’s

1. Support Their Choices

When it comes to their choices of diet and food, we need to support them unconditionally. If they politely say no to a certain food, we shouldn’t force them to try it. The best way to help is to be supportive.

2. Acknowledge That Managing Diabetes Is Hard

We can help by recognizing that it’s not easy to manage diabetes. Sometimes it can be tricky and confusing since the blood glucose might spike randomly.

We should let them know that we can see that is hard. That will help, and they will feel like there is someone who understands them.

3. Listen to What They Say

We can help if we just listen, they want to talk about it and pour out their emotions. By just sitting and listening we will help them.

If we listen, we will find out more about their issues and needs regarding the condition. We can offer solutions to their problems.

4. Ask How to Help

We shouldn’t assume that we know how to help but directly ask. We should ask our loved one who has diabetes about their needs and what can we do to help.

How we think that we should help might be completely different from how our loved one wants us to help. Remember, just ask.

5. Support a Healthy Lifestyle

We can exercise together, make healthier food choices, and go for a walk. Not only will we help them with their condition but we will connect more.

6. Learn More About Diabetes

This can be of great help since if we know more about the condition, we will be able to understand them better. Managing diabetes is not just about maintaining low blood glucose and counting carbs.

The more we know about the condition, the more we can help. Although managing diabetes might be a struggle, having friends and family to help can be of immense importance.

Our support will be a sign that there are not alone in this. Help them carry this burden and try to motivate them to give their best.

Diabetes is similar to a rollercoaster, it has its ups and downs, but those with the condition are in charge. Why? Since they can decide whether they are going to scream or enjoy the ride.


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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