July 7


How to Make Wheatgrass Juice to Control Blood Sugar Levels

By Gabriela

July 7, 2021

Currently, more than 30 million people, around 10 % of the population in the US have diabetes. Type 2 diabetes accounts for more than 95 % of the cases. Also, there are millions of people who are in a pre-diabetic condition that causes different health problems.

Along with insulin injections and other treatments, there are natural remedies that are greatly efficient when it comes to controlling blood sugar levels and management of diabetes.

We live at a fast pace, and due to modern technologies and ways around us, we forget that nature offers a lot when it comes to treating different things.

Triticum aestivum or wheatgrass is a herb that comes from the wheat family. It is a natural source of minerals such as chlorophyll, iron, amino acids, calcium, selenium, and magnesium. Also, it is rich in B complex, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

This herb is a great herb that can help lowering blood sugar levels, but what is more potent is its juice. Wheatgrass juice comes with different health benefits. It is a common drink for weight loss, and it aids in lowering menstrual discomfort.

Research About Wheatgrass

The Journal of Herbal Medicine and Toxicology published a 2009 study according to which wheatgrass has a role in improving lipids and sugar levels.

In this study, 30 participants ate wheatgrass as part of one meal. GI or glycemic index is a number that measures the influence that food has on blood sugar levels, and people with diabetes need to consume foods with a low GI.

The researchers came to the discovery that 15 grams of wheatgrass can notably reduce the GI of those foods to which the wheatgrass is added. Also, it is shown to improve blood glucose levels.

The journal Advances in Pharmacological Sciences published another study about this topic. According to this study, wheatgrass aids control diabetes by increasing the secretion of insulin.

Also, this study notes that wheatgrass juice aids in reducing HbA1C levels and also increasing the normal hemoglobin levels that might help prevent complications related to diabetes such as diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy.

Moreover, according to this study, many people with diabetes report elevated serum triglyceride levels and cholesterol that can complicate diabetes and increase the risk of heart diseases.

The study came to the discovery that this juice can notably lower triglyceride levels, cholesterol, and LDL and VLDL cholesterol and prevent complications related to diabetes.

How to Use Wheatgrass Juice?

You need to wash and grind wheatgrass with water. Make sure that the wheatgrass is 7 days old. Through a muslin cloth sieve the juice. That is all you have your juice. Consume it every morning on an empty stomach.

Word of Caution

Wheatgrass comes with a great safety profile, and it also is known to be well tolerated. However, it comes with side effects which are rare those are headaches and mild nausea.

Also, it can lead to allergic reactions in some people, therefore avoid consuming this juice in case of having celiac disease or allergy to grass or wheat.

Women who are breastfeeding or are pregnant should avoid wheatgrass. Consult your doctor to discover the daily dosage of wheatgrass which might aid you to improve your condition.

Remember wheatgrass does not replace any drugs you are taking at the moment.

Source Natural News | Live Strong | Quora


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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