June 23


When Should People with Diabetes Avoid Cinnamon?

By Gabriela

June 23, 2023

You must have heard about cinnamon by now. Some of you have surely tried it as well. It is a rather pungent and sweet spice that is derived from the wild cinnamon trees’ inner branch bark, hence its name.

These trees usually grow in tropical areas all across the Caribbean, South America, and Southeast Asia.

Many ancient civilizations have praised this spice for all its health benefits, and its use dates back thousands of years!

Nowadays, its use in the modern household mainly includes baking and cooking. But more and more evidence arises involving its natural medicinal properties, as well.

One of the main causes for hope concerning cinnamon is the positive effects it has shown when it comes to treating diabetes mellitus, and other similar conditions.

This is mostly because, according to researchers who have conducted the studies, cinnamon can aid in improving one’s blood sugar levels.

Those same researchers claim it may even be able to increase one’s sensitivity to insulin! And thanks to all the evidence already out there, many experts claim that this spice has properties that are beneficial for blood sugar regulation and the overall treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

As we already mentioned, it can regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol levels. But are there any other benefits it can offer us? You bet! And here is a list of all those benefits:

  • It may have an anti-clotting effect on one’s blood;
  • Relieve pain which is related to arthritis;
  • Boost our immune systems naturally;
  • Put a stop to yeast infections (which are commonly resistant to pharmaceutical medication);
  • Help when it comes to relieving indigestion;
  • Cause a reduction in the proliferation of lymphoma and leukemia cancer cells;
  • Preserve food better by hindering the growth of bacteria and slowing down the spoiling process;
  • It is an excellent source of many different nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, as we’ve already mentioned.

Just keep in mind that all of the benefits mentioned above refer to the use of true cinnamon, which is called Ceylon cinnamon, instead of cassia bark, which, unfortunately, is the one involved in most diabetes-related studies and research.

However, one needs to keep in mind that cinnamon has not yet been medically approved as a treatment for any condition or disease. And while we’re on that…

When to Avoid It

There are plenty of those out there who are more than a little skeptical about the question of whether cinnamon actually does any good, and whether those with diabetes have any use for it.

True enough, there are indeed some other supplements and herbs that lower blood glucose levels, and which don’t mix well with cinnamon. Those are:

  • Bitter melon;
  • Alpha-lipoic acid;
  • Devil’s Claw;
  • Chromium;
  • Fenugreek;
  • Horse chestnut;
  • Garlic;
  • Siberian ginseng;
  • Panax;
  • Psyllium.

The same thing goes for diabetes medications prescribed by your doctor.

So, before you take cinnamon, whether, in supplement form or any other, it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor to make sure there won’t be any side effects or complications.

For example, taking cinnamon with medication that has an effect on your liver may end up making any liver issues more likely. And if you happen to be diabetic, keep a watchful eye to make sure your blood sugar levels don’t fall too low when taking this spice.

The bottom line? It’s okay to consume cinnamon, as long as you are mindful of the proper ways to consume it.

For those of you who already happen to be suffering from liver-related problems, it would probably be best to skip cinnamon altogether, just to be on the safe side.

Source: Diabetes | WebMD | Health Line


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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