October 8


The 5 Best Diets for Regulating Blood Sugar Levels

By Gabriela

October 8, 2021

A diabetes diet means consuming the healthiest foods in moderation and having regular mealtimes.

To be more specific, it’s actually a healthy-eating plan which is usually low in calories, fat and on the other hand rich in nutrients.

If someone has prediabetes or diabetes, it is very likely that the doctor will recommend consulting a dietitian in order to have a healthy eating plan.

The proper diet can help control blood glucose levels, risk factors for heart diseases like high blood fats and high blood pressure, and manage our weight. People that have this condition find different ways to control their blood sugar levels.

Along with medication and physical activity, the long-term eating plan can have a crucial role in the amount of necessary insulin and the overall blood sugar variations which an individual experiences during the day.

This is not about some short-term plans for a leaner body known as diets. Here, the term diet refers to a long-term,well-formulated plan to help control blood sugar.

No matter which eating plan we choose, the key when it comes to long-term success is suitably formulated food on a daily basis that provides all the necessary nutrients.

Also, another benefit from the proper meal plan can be getting in better shape. However, that should not be our main focus. When it comes to proper eating plans, there are a few which are most popular for keeping blood glucose levels steady.

5 Popular Diets

1. Carbs Counting

In general, carbs counting is not seen as a diet. In fact, it is seen as an insulin treatment plan. Carbs counting means consuming the standard, usual diet while adjusting the insulin on a necessary basis.

However, this might be difficult regarding estimation, particularly during irregular food items, irregular meal times, or snack times.

2. Low-Carb

This type of diet is not new. As a matter of fact, this was among the first treatments before insulin was found and injectable insulin was made.

But, consuming low-carb is actually not insulin substitution. In fact, with a lower amount of carbs, one might need fewer drugs or insulin.

3. Vegan

A vegan diet is based on plant foods only, without any animal products. The diet removes all animal proteins and fats. This means no dairy products, eggs, bread, pasta, and more.

Same as vegetarian diets, people say that they have better insulin sensitivity once they remove animal products from their diet.

However, the vegan diet might be higher in carbs intake, since there is no consumption of lower-carb animal foods. Vegans obtain protein from plant sources.

4. Ketogenic

This diet is also known as “Keto.” The main focus is on nutritional ketone production with a low carbs-lower protein eating plan. In order to make nutritional ketones, most individuals need to have under 30 g of carbs on a daily basis.

However, the nutritional ketones from consuming low-carb diets should not be confused with DKA, i.e., ketoacidosis.

Ketoacidosis, i.e., DKA is actually a very severe condition. In this diet, the majority of calories come from plant and animal fats. In order to feel full during the day, we need to consume extra fats.

Often the term “low-carb” and “keto” are used interchangeably. However, they are not the same thing. They have different requirements when it comes to protein and fat consumption.

5. Vegetarian

A vegetarian diet can aid with protein spikes and insulin resistance induced by gluconeogenesis which is the metabolism of protein foods and the rise in blood glucose levels.

Vegetarian diets have different variations:

  • Lacto (dairy)
  • Ovo-Lacto (dairy and eggs)
  • Pescatarian (seafood and fish)

Often, vegetarians eat pasta, usual grocery store brands which are meat-free, bread, and different vegetables and fruits.

When it comes to the proper diet for keeping blood sugar levels in check, there is no such thing as “one-size-fits-all.” Many people have success with their own personalized meal plan, and we need to find out what suits us the most.

Consult a doctor or dietitian, talk to friends who follow a certain diet for managing this condition, and remember to focus on blood sugar improvement.

The first step is always the hardest, but it’s always worth it.

Source Diabetes Daily | Mayo Clinic


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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