February 23


How Coffee Helps Reduce the Risk of Diabetes

By Gabriela

February 23, 2021

In the past, everyone used to think that coffee increases blood sugar levels and expands the risk of developing type II diabetes. Therefore, it’s been heavy. Plus, people often put sweeteners in their coffee, which worsens the situation.

However, experts and scientists keep looking for ways to silence type II diabetes and make the condition history. Sadly, all of the experiments and research that have been through conduction only involve animals.

However, there is a new study going around the internet claiming that there is a compound that hasn’t been through tests until now that influences the effectiveness of cell functioning. Not only that but it also improves insulin sensitivity.

All of the tests were going through experimentation in laboratory mice. Thanks to this discovery, a new revolution in diabetes treatment may be on its way.

According to certain studies, drinking an average amount of 4-5 coffee cups per day can actually help decrease the risk of type II diabetes development. This condition affects about thirty million US residents today.

In the past, there were claims that caffeine actually triggers diabetes development. However, more investigation experts came to the conclusion that it actually plays the role of actually helping us decrease the risk of developing the condition.

This is because coffee has a component within its build called cafestol. Cafestol actually triggers a better secretion of insulin in the pancreas. Not only that but the compound also improved the digestion of glucose in the system.

The Experiment

Scientists divided the mice into three groups. The first two were given a cafestol, while the third group did not get any caffeine. After the ten-week experiment, the mice that got the cafestol had low blood sugar levels in their system in comparison to the last group.

These are significant results that can, later on, help the research for fighting and preventing diabetes.

So next time, speak to a professional about your caffeine intake and if you should do it. It turns out coffee wasn’t as harmful to our health anyway.

However, always make sure to take coffee in moderation, since too much caffeine is not good for overall health anyways.

Source: Health Line | Medical Express | Medical News Today


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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