February 23


How to Control Blood Sugar Levels to Avoid Being Prone to Cancer

By Gabriela

February 23, 2021

It is well-known that cancer and obesity are interconnected. Obesity can make the body vulnerable to diseases, and in severe cases, it can cause death.

Studies published in 2013, state that almost Horizon Americans have died from obesity. As a result, other studies have shown that too much excess body fat can cause premature death in one in every seventh citizen in Europe.

Furthermore, excess fat might shorten your lifespan. So, people who are not overweight have the lowest risk of dying before they reach the age of 70. If you consider these facts, it is no wonder why sugar is the most popular culprit.

The Credit Suisse Research Institute believes that 40% of all diseases can be related to too much sugar consumption. People tend to eat more sugar than their bodies can process. As a result diabetes, obesity and cancer are rampant.

Therefore, it is important to start preparing healthy meals and replace processed foods full of sugars.

How Our Diet Affects the Risk of Cancer

It is very important to control your diet if you want to lower blood sugar and control insulin resistance. According to studies, obesity is responsible for approximately 20% of all malignancies.

Firstly, high blood sugar can cause mitochondrial dysfunction and lead to cancer by creating reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the metabolism.

Plus, when you eat too much sugar, too many free radicals start appearing, and they can damage your nuclear DNA, protein impairment, and cell membrane.

Even though the problems with nuclear genetics don’t cause cancer, mitochondrial damage can cause nuclear genetic mutations. As a result, the excessive amount of nutrients in the system makes the cells unable to react to the insulin receptors on their surface.

Thus, the cells become overstressed with work and promote insulin resistance. In return, insulin resistance can cause chronic diseases along with cancer.

How Genetics Affect Hormones and Proteins

According to researchers, if there is a cell division, especially in the gene called AKT, it could cause cancer. Plus the cells can control the intake of nutrients in the body. As a result, too much sugar can damage the mechanism in these cells.

Furthermore, cancer cells need to feed off sugar constantly, so if you consume too much of it, you could be making these cells stronger.

So, to lower the risk of developing cancer, according to studies, overweight women who lose weight reduce the levels of proteins in their bodies. These proteins are the ones that can cause cancer or help in its development.

Some of these proteins are PEDF, PAI-1, and VEGF. Moreover, they can cause angiogenesis, in other words, they can make the body create blood vessels ideal for tumors.

Besides, more studies suggest losing weight is an ideal way for preventing cancer from growing. Researchers believe that by losing weight, you can lower the chance of developing colon, prostate, or breast cancer by 20%.

However, there is one other problem with obesity. It can cause certain hormones to produce at a very fast pace, like estrogen. Some researchers believe that these hormones may be behind the risk of developing breast cancer.

The Powerful Connection Between Diabetes and Cancer

Insulin resistance is often the cause of the increased risk of cancer development. And many types of research can confirm it and connect it with type 2 diabetes. They believe that people with type 2 diabetes have the biggest risk of developing this disease.

Moreover, MD Anderson believes that 1 million patients with type 2 diabetes have a 23% more chance of getting cancer. Plus, studies claim that Americans have terrible control of their blood sugar and are more prone to diabetes than any other people across the world.

This is more than enough to inspire overweight people to look after themselves and think about their future. That is why losing weight is crucial. Between 1988 and 2014, the rates of diabetes skyrocketed and keep on rising.

Plus, obese adults have an increased chance of developing heart diseases (by 37%) because of high blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol.

Dr. Joel, the director of the Clinical Diabetes Center and Montefiore Medical Center, believes that instead of investing in treatments for diabetes, we should prevent it and encourage weight loss. After all, a healthy lifestyle is the key to a productive and longer life.

Can Prediabetes Raise the Risk of Cancer?

Prediabetes is a condition in which the blood sugar levels are higher than they are supposed to be, but not at the same level as the people who have diabetes. In the US alone, 1 in 3 Americans who are 20 years old or older, have prediabetes.

Research shows that pre-diabetes can increase the risk of developing cancer. Moreover, there is around a 15%-30% chance for people with pre-diabetes to develop type 2 diabetes in 5 years.

Now it may be clear how pre-diabetes can raise the risk of developing cancer, but that is not all. In 2014, there was a study concluded that around 900,000 people who have prediabetes have a 15% chance of developing cancer in the liver, pancreas, breast, and endometrium.

Moreover, people with high insulin have a significant chance of developing cancer, as researchers believe. Besides, if you understand how cancer works, you may realize where these results may come from.

There is a deep connection between metabolism and damaging free radicals. Sugar can cause such damage. Therefore it is important to avoid such problems and the intake of unnecessary fats.

Why Choose Ketogenic Diet?

A Ketogenic diet can replace net carbs with the necessary amount of good fat and proteins. As previously said, cancer cells feed on sugar, so by consuming carbohydrates with no fibers you can starve the cancer cells. The deprivation of glucose may significantly affect these cells.

In addition, the proteins can reduce the pathway of mTOR and limit the proliferation in the cells. Furthermore, this diet may be beneficial for losing weight and balancing mitochondrial function.

Fasting Useful for Patients with Cancer

MD Anderson is a strategy that can help the body kill the cancer cells and the T-cell activity. As such, it may be an ideal way for boosting the effects of chemotherapy. This strategy is supported by the FDA and U.S Food.

Therefore, it may serve as a beneficial treatment for cancer. Web MD, chemotherapy combined with Horizon of cancer cells, especially T cell activity.

He experimented with mice and concluded that the mice who took a diet with drugs had their tumors shrunk. Plus, they underwent chemotherapy as well. The cause of cancer lies in the enzyme heme oxygenase-1 which is normally very high.

In addition, fasting may reduce the level of this enzyme and influence new changes in the tumor by killing the cytotoxic T cells.

Food that May Prevent Cancer

It is very important to focus on a proper diet to maintain a healthy body and metabolism. Scientists believe that with the right nutrition you may be able to avoid cancer. Therefore, it is important to know how to pick the right toxic-free food.

First, you need to focus on purchasing food that contains no pesticides. These toxins are the most common reason behind the problems in our metabolism. Furthermore, it is also important to pick the right meat and animal products.

Try to purchase products that are from grass-fed animals. However, you shouldn’t avoid the fact that you also need to stop consuming sugar, fructose, and grain carbs. This factor is important for reducing the chance of strengthening cancer cells.

Moreover, you should replace non-fiber carbohydrates with high-quality fats. This way you can control the intake of proteins and their quality. It is important not to consume too many proteins because they may cause cancer.

Plus, it is important to differentiate healthy from unhealthy carbs, fat, and protein.

To Balance Your Mitochondrial Function Follow These Nutrient Ratios:

1. Carbohydrates contain 8-15% of the daily calories. Focus on carbohydrates that contain twice as many fibers, so that you can take 10% of the daily calories. In addition, fibers can manage your weight and provide many health benefits, like reducing the risk of developing cancer.

Patients with cancer usually eat meals that can lower inflammation and reduce cancer growth. These meals can:

  • Reduce insulin level
  • Lower the serum glucose level
  • Reduce mTOR level
  • Lower the growth of the insulin factor-1 which is a powerful hormone located in the pituitary gland. This hormone can cause cell growth, replication, and endocrine effects. If the levels of this hormone rise, they may cause breast or any other form of cancer.

You can try to keep the net carbs around 50-60 g per day.

There is a way to simplify this; for example, you can get the necessary net carbs by eating berries, chia seeds, cauliflower, root vegetables, raw nuts, Brussels, peas, sweet potatoes, green beans, broccoli, peas, and psyllium seed husk.

2. Proteins are important for your body. You need 7-10 % of your total calories. Therefore you should limit the intake of foods that contain them to about 0.5 g per pound measured by the body mass.

If you multiply the percentage of your weight, you can get the body’s max index in pounds. Furthermore, it is important to limit the consumption of protein, because if you consume too much of it, it may affect the mTOR pathway and cause many diseases like cancer.

3. Healthy Fats are a great source of saturated and monounsaturated fats. You need 75-85% of your total calories.

Such foods are coconut oils, olive oil, fresh coconuts, organic milk, butter, macadamia, pecans, raw nuts, black cumin, hemp seeds, avocados, black sesame, meats from grass-fed animals, raw cacao butter, organically pastured egg yolks, fatty fish and animal-based fats that contain Omega-3.

Because such a diet can be beneficial for burning excess fats, it may be effective as an anticancer treatment strategy.


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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