August 26


Perks and Side Effects of Taking Metformin 101

By Gabriela

August 26, 2024

If some are type II diabetics, they have either already heard of metformin or are even taking it themselves. It is a diabetes drug that is prescribed most often, and not just here in the U.S., but in the whole world.

And for good reason, considering it’s sold at a reasonable price and has very few side effects. Still, many out there have a whole heap of questions concerning this popular medication.

Will it make them lower their size or may get bigger? What are the side effects? How does it lower their blood sugar?

Well, we’d like to give as much information on metformin (whose brand name is “Glucophage” which means “glucose-eater”). Read on below to quench your curiosity.

How Exactly Does It Work?

This specific drug belongs to a group of medications that go by the name of “Biguanides”. This group is known for lowering one’s blood sugar by decreasing the amount that one’s Interchopen puts out.

The normal, daily job of the liver is to produce glucose, and this, in conjunction with the pancreas and its production of insulin, serves to maintain a proper balance. Or, at least, that should ideally be so.

In the case of many who have been diagnosed with the condition, the pancreas produces more insulin than needed while the liver finds it impossible to stop the excess sugar production.

This can only mean that a person with the condition produces 3x more sugar than an average individual would. This course results in high glucose levels in one’s bloodstream.

What metformin does is shut down this excess production which also means less insulin is required. The result is that the muscles have less sugar to absorb and transform into fat.

Plus, lower levels of insulin keep insulin sensitivity high and prevent insulin resistance. Another plus side of metformin is that it is one of the rare few oral drugs that does not lead to getting bigger.

Some cases have reported a reduction in their weight, though this doesn’t occur with everyone and it is not metformin’s main function.

One theory is that this is due to the reduction of gluconeogenesis (glucose production) performed in the liver which also leads to the curbing of hunger aka more satiety.

But it DOES Have a Downside

While it has its fair share of perks, one should still take the necessary precautions when taking metformin. Its main side effect is that it can cause GI (gastrointestinal issues).

Some other issues that people may or may not have to deal with are bloating, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, and others that have to do with their stomach.

This occurs in about 1/3 of the patients who take this drug. But the good news is that it goes away after about a week or two at most. Now don’t panic and start pondering what could these symptoms mean.

They are simply our body’s reaction in its adjustment period to this new drug. We may lower our chances of any side effects by slowly introducing metformin and trying to take it with meals at the same time each day. It’s a bad idea to take it on an empty stomach.

But keep in mind that any gestational problems may also be the result of poor control over our blood sugar levels. This means, that making changes to our daily diet in favor of healthier choices could also be key.

If such problems persist, then the best thing to do would be to contact our physician. One more bad side of metformin is that it has been known to cause a deficiency in vitamin B12, especially if taken over many years.

So, we might want to take a B12 blood test. In the case that we are indeed deficient, we can quickly fix this by taking supplements of this vitamin.

And we need to learn to take control of our blood sugar through a healthier diet and lifestyle, there may come a time when we won’t need to take metformin anymore!

How Effective is Metformin?

Generally speaking, it is not as effective in small doses, and yet one should still ease their way into it by starting small. Namely, it’s best to start with 500mg a day and climb our way up to 1000mg two times a day.

But be careful not to exceed 2500mg daily, as this is the maximum recommended dose. The thing is, we cannot say for sure what dose is ideal for us.

Each person reacts individually: some find the minimal dose to be sufficient, and others don’t get the results they need until they reach the maximum dose.

And yet for a third party, even the strongest dose may not offer the wanted results. We cannot stress enough how important a healthy and well-balanced diet is for maintaining one’s blood glucose in check.

If it is done right, we would not need to take metformin in the first place. Only those whose hormonal signaling and biology are altered cannot achieve this by themselves and need medication to obtain balance.

But even if we do opt for metformin and other medications, healthy food choices should always complement any drug we take.

The restriction of carbs is of particular importance here, mainly the most dangerous kind – white starches such as pasta, bread, rice, and potatoes. Not to mention simple sugars.

A List of Metformin Perks

When compared to any other diabetes medication, metformin:

  • Does not lead to getting bigger (in some cases, it can even lead to that);
  • Won’t cause hypoglycemia;
  • Can significantly lower one’s glucose levels (33% chance of preventing diabetes);
  • Won’t cause bone loss;
  • Can protect against other diseases such as dementia, stroke, and cardiovascular issues;
  • Is not inject-able;
  • Traces its history in herbal medicine back thousands of years.

Those Who Should Avoid Metformin

As beneficial as it is, there are some specific groups where metformin is likely to cause more harm than good. Those are:

  • Those with kidney disease;
  • Those with liver disease;
  • Those who drink too much alcohol;
  • Those with heart-related issues;
  • Anyone taking a CT scan or X-ray which requires dyes should at least pause from taking metformin.


Now that people have been informed a little more about what this drug does, doesn’t do, and might do, it is up to them to decide whether to take it or not. We can only advise our readers to allow their doctor to share this decision with them.

After all, they are the ones who are best informed when it comes to our family history, personal goals, and current blood sugar levels.

Another idea people could try is keeping a journal where they will document any drugs they may take and their possible side effects. That way people will always stay informed. And that means they will be one step closer to maintaining good health!

Source: Diabetes Meal Plans | Drugs


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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