March 9


Top 15 Foods That are Either Great of Terrible for a Prediabetes Diet

By Gabriela

March 9, 2021

This is how we can regulate our meals accordingly, to help prevent diabetes from developing.

Prediabetes, the stage before a person develops diabetes type 2, is one of the most common conditions in the US with one in every three adults developing it in about ten years. Here is how we can change those habits and eat healthily.

Best Choice for Breakfast

Avocado and Eggs

Weisenberger highly recommends eating eggs for breakfast because we can prepare them differently every single time we eat them. On top of that, they are fast, easy to prepare, and have a lot of protein that is great for those with prediabetes.

However, they do contain cholesterol, but eggs do not affect the body negatively. Furthermore, if we put some avocados with our eggs, we can add healthy fatty acids and fats that are great for blood glucose.

Worst Choice for Breakfast

Cereal, Bacon, and Bagels

There is not enough fiber in these choices. Moreover, the cereals and bagels affect your blood sugar, especially the cereals that contain added sugars. Even though you can occasionally eat these foods, try to limit the amount you consume so that it won’t affect the body negatively.

The author of Diabetes Weight Loss Week By Week, Jill Weisenberger claims that people should avoid bacon at all costs, even if it doesn’t have any carbs. Those with prediabetes and even with diabetes type 2 can be highly affected by it.

Best Choice for Lunch

Mega Salad

You have heard this a million times, but the goal is to eat more veggies and different varieties. Even if we are still hungry, we can keep on eating them. These veggies are onions, zucchini, mushrooms, broccoli, and bell peppers.

Furthermore, these veggies help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and at the same time give the body the fiber, vitamins, and minerals it needs. So, this mega salad is great for the heart and blood sugar. Plus, we can add some beans, sliced chicken, olive oil, etc.

Worst Choice for Lunch

Deli Sandwich

This sandwich has a lot of processed meats. So according to Harvard and their research, if we eat two ounces of that kind of meat per day, we have a 19% more chance to get diabetes type 2 and even a 42% chance of getting a cardiovascular disease.

In addition, this processed meat contains nitrates and sodium that can cause many problems for the overall health of people with prediabetes like problems with glucose tolerance, insulin secretion, and artery health.

Best Choice for a Snack

Crudités and Hummus

Try including some of your fruits in snacks to create a stable and beneficial diet. Plus, try to include homemade hummus in the diet as well. Not only is it easy to make, but it also has great taste.

Furthermore, chickpeas and legumes are great for solving the problems with blood sugar for a longer period.

Worst Choice for a Snack

Beef sticks, Pork Rinds or Beef Jerky

People with prediabetes should focus on how much the food they consume contains nutrients if they have any at all. That is what is important for the system. Therefore, these meats are not a great choice.

Even though they have no carbs at all, they are still not a great source of nutrients for this kind of condition.

Best Choice for Dinner

Fish, Barley, and Veggies

According to a 2013 study, whole grains can help improve insulin sensitivity and stop glucose tolerance from getting worse. That is the reason why barley, quinoa, farro, whole grains, and wild rice are great for those with prediabetes. They contain a fiber known as beta-glucan.

Plus, it is all about the size of your meal.

Worst Choice for Dinner

Fast Food

It is a fact that fast food is out of the question for people with prediabetes and diabetes. This kind of food can increase their weight by two-fold and even affect their insulin resistance. If you do love this kind of food, try replacing the bread with a grain bun and roasted sweet potato fries.

Best Choice for Dessert

Dark Chocolate Covered With Almonds

Dark chocolate is far better than milk chocolate. Furthermore, almonds and nuts can be beneficial for health, according to Weisenberger. They are great and a tasty treat you will love.

Worst Choice for Dessert

Frozen Yogurt, Cheese Cake, Sorbet

These kinds of desserts are filled with saturated fat so, they can have a heavy impact on insulin sensitivity. Also, they contain 27 grams of sugar, which is too much for one day. But why fat yogurts? Aren’t they fat-free?

On the contrary, they do contain sugar and can affect blood sugar. But they can give the minimum nutrition the body needs, so that makes it difficult to choose if the frozen yogurt is indeed beneficial for people with prediabetes or not.


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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