June 27


What is the Right Multivitamin to Help Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels?

By Gabriela

June 27, 2021

Vitamins and minerals are important for everyone, doesn’t matter whether we follow a strict diet or not.

However, before we choose to pick any or even add dietary supplements to our diet, we should ask for advice first, especially if we are using prescribed medicine.

People tend to avoid meals, so they believe it is best to replace the food with multivitamins. But, it is not enough, because these vitamins can’t replace and give what fruits, veggies, and grain can.

Foods provide phytochemicals and fibers that are crucial for fighting diseases and maintaining optimal health. So, the main question is, how do we know what is best for us?

How do we choose what vitamins we need? Maybe this will help us choose.

Read About:

  • Vitamin B6;
  • Manganese;
  • Biotin;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Niacin;
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin);
  • Coenzyme Q10;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Folic acid;
  • Carnitine (L-Carnitine, Acetyl L-Carnitine);
  • Vitamin A;
  • Taurine;
  • Vitamin D;
  • ALA and GLA;
  • Magnesium;
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine);
  • Chromium;
  • Vitamin B12;
  • Inositol;
  • Copper;
  • Potassium;
  • Zinc;
  • Vanadium.

Vitamin B6

High blood sugar and serious damage to the nervous system is a conditions known as neuropathy. If one suffers from it, their body may need more vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).

So, this vitamin is great for preventing diabetes or other conditions, especially for those who have the gestational type. Furthermore, it helps improve glucose tolerance which greatly benefits the body. On top of that, it can help stabilize the damaged glucose tolerance caused by birth control pills.

However, this vitamin is not to be taken lightly. One should only consume it if their doctor prescribed it for them.


Those with diabetes usually lack manganese. But in some cases, researchers believe that the lack of manganese may be the reason for developing the disease.

This is because manganese is a vital element for the normal function of enzymes. Furthermore, these enzymes are important for the body to balance glucose metabolism.

This vitamin is also used as an unnecessary supplement in foods.


This vitamin is very important for metabolism. Biotin takes part in the process of forming fat, controlling the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, and the production of energy. As such, it is a crucial component for the body to function properly.

Because it works simultaneously with multiple important processes in our body, it is an important factor that influences the utilization of glucose. It even works together with the insulin in our bodies.

Therefore, people who have a low level of biotin in their system, mostly those with type 1 and 2 diabetes, may need to use supplements that might affect their glucose levels.

Vitamin E

This vitamin is useful for improving the movement of insulin in the body because it serves as an antioxidant that protects the system.

The structure of vitamin E is composed of eight compounds and a few forms; these forms are called stereoisomers. Therefore, it is impossible to take enough of this vitamin only by consuming food, so we need to take plus vitamins to reach the requirements our body needs.

Thus, it is alright to take supplements daily. Such an example is gamma-tocopherol which contains alpha-tocopherol.

Moreover, not only can vitamin E improves glucose tolerance, but it can also decrease the chance of getting type 2 diabetes. Plus it can even reduce the risk of complications caused by this chronic condition.

However, if one needs to take anticoagulant medicines, they should inform their doctor that they want to take vitamin E as well. The reason behind this is that this vitamin can oxygenate the blood, so people need to consume it with care.


People who have high cholesterol mostly use niacin in combination with other medications. Yet, it is not recommended in diabetes management because it has a chance to impair glucose tolerance. One may need to consult with a doctor if they are uncertain whether they should or shouldn’t use niacin.

Vitamin B2

This vitamin is very popular because it serves as an antioxidant, and boosts energy and metabolism. Moreover, it is vital for maintaining the blood cells on a healthy level and protecting the skin. On top of that, it is highly beneficial for eye health, growth, and preventing radical damage.

Because this vitamin is helpful for digestion, it is paramount to eat the right foods that have the necessary nutrients.

Furthermore, one can use it together with other vitamins like B6 and folic acid. Since it is an important vitamin, the body must have enough amount of B2 to function properly, so it will reduce inflammation, balance hormones, and maintain a healthy metabolism.

Coenzyme Q10

The coenzyme Q10 is a natural part of our body. According to researchers, people should use this compound as a supplement, especially those with poor blood glucose control.

Besides, it can help oxygenate the blood, so it is very helpful for some cases of diabetic retinopathy. Plus, there is a chance that it might help with carbohydrate metabolism.

Vitamin C

The most popular vitamin is by far vitamin C. It has multiple uses like keeping the skin healthy and boosting the immune system.

Furthermore, it is great for preventing bruises because it keeps the blood vessels and capillaries strong. On top of that, with the help of vitamin C, the body can absorb plant sources of iron with ease.

However, vitamin C may prove problematic for those with type 1 diabetes. If they take more vitamin C, there is a chance that the amount of sorbitol in their body may decrease.

Sorbitol is especially dangerous for them because it has a chance to increase the risk of neuropathy, kidney damage, and even retinopathy. Sorbitol is a type of sugar that sticks together and doesn’t dissolve easily.

When it comes to type 2 diabetes, vitamin C has a positive effect, because it has a chance to boost glucose tolerance.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is the synthetic form of the vitamin folate. Folate naturally occurs in foods, but the acid comes in flour, pasta, cookies, cold cereal, and crackers. Therefore it is something that we consume daily.

However, consuming more folic acid than necessary has a chance to cause anemia.

Folic acid is great for stabilizing blood pressure and treating anemia, liver disease, alcoholism, and kidney problems. On top of that, it is perfect for pregnant women because it helps them prevent miscarriages or congenital disabilities.

The reason why folic acid is so important is that it is a crucial part of the human body. As such, it is a part of the genetic material also known as DNA.

Carnitine (L-Carnitine, Acetyl L-Carnitine)

Carnitine is helpful for dissolving binds acyl residues and fatty acids, this is why it has a chance to prevent diabetic ketoacidosis. Therefore, those affected by diabetes who consume carnitine do not have a problem with it.

The reason behind this is that carnitine has a chance to decrease a lot of fat that is stored in the bloodstream; as such it is very useful for these people.

Vitamin A

This vitamin has multiple uses. It can help tissue and cell growth and even help the body become more resilient to protect it from infections. On top of that, it is very popular for the eyes because it helps them adjust accordingly so that a person can see better in the dark.

When it comes to multivitamins that have vitamin A, upon consumption, this form of beta-carotene prompts the body to convert it into vitamin A.

Taking too much vitamin A for smokers, on the other hand, (33,000-50,000 IU) has a chance to increase their risk of lung cancer.

If a person takes a large dose of vitamin A it becomes toxic for the body, but, the body doesn’t consider the beta-carotene as toxic. So, we should always ask for advice if we face any problems.


Taurine is popular in foods that contain a lot of proteins. It can increase the risk of heart disease and even affect the thickness of the blood. As a supplement, taurine can help stabilize the stickiness and thickness of the blood.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very useful for the body because it helps assimilate phosphorus and calcium. We can easily obtain this vitamin from foods and drinks.

Recently there has been a study that indicated there are more and more people who lack vitamin D and have an increased chance of getting prostate and breast cancer. The people who lack this vitamin are those who mostly live in wintery areas where there isn’t enough warmth to produce vitamin D.

This problem is also common among older adults because as the years pass by so does the ability of their body to synthesize vitamin D.

When it comes to managing diabetes, this vitamin has a lot of advantages, especially because it helps with blood glucose regulation and boosts insulin sensitivity.


ALA or alpha-lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant. Therefore, it helps reduce the pain caused by diabetic neuropathy. This antioxidant is common in borage oil, blackcurrant seed oil, and primrose oil. Moreover, it can improve how the nerves work especially the ones that are affected by diabetic neuropathy.

On top of that, it helps balance blood sugar and decreases insulin resistance, according to research.


Magnesium is an important element that is a part of bones; as such it has a huge significance for bodily functions.

One multivitamin supplement can’t contain 100%DV of magnesium in it because there is no space for it inside the pill. This serves as proof of how powerful magnesium is.

Furthermore, it is crucial for the muscles because it can help create proteins and even produce energy in the body. People who lack magnesium should try to eat more high-fiber foods.

The foods that are a great source of magnesium are nuts, green vegetables, peas, whole grains, and dried beans. Additionally, people who lack magnesium are roughly about 25%-38% of those with type 2 diabetes.

However, consuming more magnesium than is necessary has a chance to lower the fasting insulin concentrations for adults and children alike. So, it is important to control how much magnesium we consume daily.

Consuming magnesium has a chance to decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is important to know that we shouldn’t use magnesium supplements if our doctor didn’t recommend them, but to try consuming rich-fiber foods instead.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Vitamin B1 is a popular vitamin used together with other vitamins. It is a part of many foods like meat, nuts, cereal grains, and beans.

This vitamin is useful for conditions that are related to low levels of thiamine and even inflammation. Thus, it is a great supplement that can help with digestion and diarrhea.

Moreover, it is a popular vitamin that can help the immune system, problems with vision, and sores.

People believe that it can help prevent memory loss, help with stress and increase energy. So, it is a great vitamin that is necessary for everyone.


According to research, chromium is by far the most important nutrient for the body. It can help those with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes by raising their glucose tolerance.

On top of that, it can decrease their glucose and insulin levels together with cholesterol. What is also very important is the fact that it can increase HDL-cholesterol levels; as such it is an irreplaceable supplement for people affected by this chronic condition.

However, because of the lack of clinical trials, some researchers still believe that chromium is a controversial supplement because they are not sure of its success. They believe that the safety and effectiveness of chromium have yet to be proven.

So, they recommend not taking more than 100%DV chromium per day. Instead, they believe it is best to consult a doctor.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is important for nerve cells because it can help them function and even decrease nerve damage. Thus, it is crucial for diabetic neuropathy.

Vegans mostly lack the B12 vitamins, because they do not consume enough proteins as their body needs.

The stomach lining called the intrinsic factor is vital for helping the body absorb this vitamin.

Moreover, the elderly also lack this vitamin. The reason behind this is because of their age; the body stops producing intrinsic factors. Therefore, they get shots along with multivitamin supplements that contain enough B12 necessary for the body.


Diabetes has a chance to cause diabetic neuropathy, so inositol has a chance to reverse its effects. Plus, it is a part of other important processes that are connected with the levels of blood cholesterol. It also helps control the wellness of the cell membranes.


Copper is a part of the major functions of the body. It helps transport oxygen and helps fill the cells with energy. Thus, it is connected with some enzymes that create hemoglobin inside the body.

However, if the body has too much zinc, it can cause problems with absorbing copper in the system.


Potassium can help people boost their sensitivity to insulin and improve the effect the hormones have on their bodies. Therefore, it is popular in many diets. However, if a person inserts insulin their body has a chance to lack potassium.

The reason why potassium is important for the body is that it regulates mineral intake and balances blood pressure. Furthermore, it helps with muscle contraction and nerve impulses. So, people should avoid consuming too much potassium.

Besides, there is a way to avoid consuming multivitamin supplements by eating potatoes, oranges, melons, tomatoes, and strawberries.


Zinc is popular for avoiding viral infections. On top of that, it defends the beta cells, so it is highly important for insulin metabolism.

Moreover, it helps boost the immune system and tissue growth. Among other things, zinc also helps with the reproduction of cells. Thereby, it helps the body use the protein, fat, and carbohydrates it needs.

However, zinc is closely related to type 1 diabetes, because people believe it takes part in its development. As a result, those with this condition may lack zinc and have to consume supplements to lower their blood sugar.


Researchers have connected vanadium with both animals and humans. They believe that it helps regulate the level of blood glucose in the system.

If a person takes supplements that contain vanadium, they have a chance to have increased sensitivity to insulin. This is why vitamin vanadium is helpful for those with diabetes – because it helps control the amount of necessary insulin in the body.

The correct amount of insulin will help them control their blood sugar levels as well.

Source Nutri Advanced | Diabetes


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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