September 9


13 Tips to Help Prevent Diabetes from Developing

By Gabriela

September 9, 2021

Diabetes is the most common disease worldwide. It can lead to many health complications such as heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, and much more.

Prediabetes, on the other hand, is the period where the blood sugar levels are high but do not pose a big threat. This phase begins before a person is diagnosed with diabetes which usually happens in 70% of cases.

A lot of people are concerned with their health and like to prevent this disease from developing. So, it is only normal for them to take precautions. (1)

Even though there are some unchangeable facts like age, genes, and behaviors in the past, which have to be considered, there are still measures that we can take to avoid this disease.

Prevent This Chronic Condition with These 13 Steps

1. Stop Consuming Refined Carbs and Sugar

When we eat refined carbs and sugar, the body processes these consumables into small molecules. These molecules get sucked into our bloodstream. If we wonder where we should begin, we can start by avoiding these foods. They will speed up the process of developing the disease.

Our blood sugar will rise and produce insulin. Insulin is a vital hormone that helps the body get rid of the excess sugar in the system. In other words, more insulin is produced to help the body become healthier. This is the result of high blood sugar and insulin level.

As time passes, this condition will become type 2 diabetes (T2D). Thus, replacing these foods with a much healthier version will help us reduce the risks of this chronic condition. (2)

According to a study, the people who consume fast-digesting carbs have a 40% higher possibility of developing the disease, unlike the people who consume them less. (3)

2. Exercise on a Daily Basis

There is a possibility that regular exercise can help prevent this disease. When we exercise, less insulin is needed to keep us in shape. Such exercises are aerobic training or any training that will increase either our strength or energy.

Moreover, they will reduce blood sugar and insulin resistance, which will help us lose weight. (4)

There is research that shows that those with prediabetes that do moderate workouts have increased insulin sensitivity by 51% and higher intensity by 85%. (5)

In order to achieve these advantages, we must burn 2,000 calories in a week, according to a study. Therefore, we should choose a workout that we love and that makes us happy. (6)

3. Our Main Drink Should Be Water

Firstly, we need to avoid sugar, artificial colors, and any preservatives, so water is the most natural choice we should go for.

Drinks that are closely related to this chronic illness are soda and punch. Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA), has the possibility to develop when people are 18 years or older. This kind of condition gets more serious as it develops. (7)

According to research, those who consumed more than two plates or drinks daily, drinks that contain a lot of sugar, have a 99% higher rate of developing LADA and a 20% chance to get T2D. (8)

Secondly, not even sweetened fruit juices or artificially sweetened drinks are suitable for preventing the disease, according to the researchers. (9)

On the other hand, water is perfect for our bodies. According to research, water can help balance blood sugar and control insulin. This is a great way to replace sodas and even diet sodas with a more suitable drink. (10)

4. Get Fitter

Even though not everyone who has this illness is obese or overweight, most are. Those with prediabetes have excess weight around the liver, which is known as visceral fat.

The cause of inflammation and insulin resistance is due to visceral fat. According to research, the more we lose weight, the easier it is for our body to function. (11)

Moreover, for more than 1,000 people with prediabetes, even 1 kg of lost weight can reduce the chance of developing diabetes by 16%, to a maximum of 96%, explain researchers. (12)

Although there are many diets we can use to get in shape, it is best to pick the one that we can use in a long term. There is a huge variety of diets out there that we can choose depending on our taste.

According to research, if we gain the weight we’ve previously lost, we will increase our blood sugar and insulin levels at a higher pace. (13)

5. Stop Smoking

There is a study that connects smoking to this chronic disease. In addition, smoking is linked to heart diseases, serious health conditions, lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate, problems with the digestive system, and emphysema. (14)

According to multiple types of research, smoking raises the risk of diabetes by 44%, for people who smoke on average 20 cigarettes per day, in other words, 61% of the population. (15)

Another research, on the other hand, observed middle-aged men who stopped smoking. When five years passed, their risk of developing the disease decreased by 13%.  On top of that, after 20 years, their bodies adjusted to the way as if they had never smoked before. (16)

Despite gaining weight after quitting, the risk of developing this chronic condition significantly decreased.

6. Plan a Low-Carb Diet

Strong studies highly defend this kind of diet. The low-carb diet is perfect for avoiding this condition. (17)

Firstly, it is perfect for lowering the levels of blood sugars in the body along with insulin. The people who followed this diet had their blood sugar decreased by 12%, and insulin by 50%.

And for the low-fat group, insulin dropped by 19% and blood sugar by 1%. (18)

The reason behind this is that the body requires less insulin to regulate itself and achieve balance. Moreover, there is a possibility that this diet will reduce fasting blood sugar. The research confirmed that if we follow the ketogenic diet, the fasting blood sugar will decrease from 118 to 92 mg/dl. (19)

7. Regulate the Size of Portions

Whatever diet we choose to follow, it is crucial not to eat huge meal portions. If we consume more than the body can process, we risk getting higher blood sugar and insulin levels. (20)

However, if we decrease the meal portions that we eat on a daily basis, it will benefit our body and nutrition. Also, this will decrease the risk of developing diabetes by 46%. (21)

According to research, the people who controlled their meal portions have remarkably decreased their blood sugar and insulin levels after 12 weeks. (22)

8. Avoid Sitting All the Time

The most challenging method to avoid this chronic disease is to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. A lot of people have a job that requires them to sit all the time. But, it is necessary to get even minimal exercise during the day to help their metabolism.

Therefore, many studies have proven a connection between a sedentary lifestyle and the risk of diabetes. (23)

Around 47 researchers have proven that the people who lead a sedentary lifestyle have 91% of developing the disease. Changing this behavior may seem challenging, but it is quite easy. Even simple activities like standing up and moving around the office will prove useful. (24)

However, it may be hard to change habits that are already engraved in our way of life. Even though there was a program created to change this habit, after 12 months passed, most of the people who participated didn’t change at all. (25)

To achieve these goals, a person should at least try to stand while using the phone or even take the stairs. Such actions may prove useful in the long run.

9. Pick a Diet that is High in Fiber

According to research, this diet will positively affect the body, as it keeps the insulin and blood sugar level low. Also, it helps the stomach process the food and manages calories. In this way, we can control how much weight we gain. (26)

On the other hand, fiber can be divided into two sections fiber that can be dissolved and the one that can’t be, in other words: soluble and insoluble. The soluble fiber slowly raises blood sugar levels, and the other one decreases them. So, insoluble fiber is helpful for avoiding the risk of developing this chronic condition. (27)

10. Consume Vitamin D

It is important to consume vitamin D to control blood sugar levels. However, it is important to control how much we consume daily. This vitamin is crucial for decreasing the risk of developing the disease, as the research states. (28)

We should take at least 30ng/ml (75 nmol/l) of vitamin D. Research has shown that those who consume more vitamin D have 43% less chance to develop T2D. (29)

Whereas, children who take vitamin D have even 73% less chance of developing T1D. This is the reason why this vitamin is great for reducing the chance of getting the disease.

The foods that contain enough vitamin D are cod liver oil and fatty fish. Moreover, sunbathing is also useful, as the sun is a great source of vitamin D. It gives around 2,000-4,000 IU of vitamin D per day.

However, it is important to control how much vitamin D we take, as too much is never a good idea.

11. Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods are the source of many heart diseases, obesity, and other health problems. According to research, it is best to avoid foods that have a lot of oil, additives, and refined grains. Therefore, try to eat more fresh veggies, fruits, nuts, and other similar foods. (30)

The reason behind this is that diets that focus more on highly processed foods have a 30% chance of developing this chronic illness.

12. Tea and Coffee

Who doesn’t love coffee or tea? The best thing about this is that even researchers have recommended including tea and coffee in our diet because it can lower the risk of developing the condition by 8-54%. It all depends on the consummation. (31)

Coffee and tea contain antioxidants also known as polyphenols that are useful for reducing the risk of developing the disease. (32)

Moreover, green tea has the power to reduce the level of blood sugar that is reduced in the liver and increases insulin sensitivity. The antioxidant that helps with the process is called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). (32)

13. Include The Following Natural Herbs in Our Diet


This is a typical herb used in Chinese medicine for centuries. According to 14 types of research, this herb is useful for reducing the release of sugar in the liver and increasing insulin sensitivity. (33)

Furthermore, it is helpful for lowering blood sugar levels. This herb is also useful for reducing cholesterol and inflammation.

Nevertheless, we should be careful how much we consume, because this herb is very strong, so this type of medication should be prescribed or authorized by a doctor.


This herb is popular for making curries. It is a powerful herb that has been used in medicine, especially in India. A study has shown that it is very effective for reducing inflammation and arthritis, mainly for those with prediabetes. (34)

Also, it is helpful for producing cells in the pancreas and increasing insulin sensitivity. (35)

Moreover, out of the 240 adults that participated in research and consumed 750mg of curcumin per day, no one developed diabetes. But, 16.4% of the control group did. (36)


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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