March 4


How Important is Sleep in The Regulation of Blood Glucose

By Gabriela

March 4, 2022

In this busy modern world, we often overlook the importance that sleep has on our overall health.

According to statistics, the average individual sleeps for about 6 hours and 40 minutes on a workday and about 7 hours and 25 minutes during the weekend.

But that still falls short of the 8 hours of sleep we really need, doesn’t it?

And make no mistake, getting the full 8 hours should be essential. It plays an important role in maintaining our mental function and alertness levels, our general mood and even regulating our hormones (which makes it particularly vital for diabetics).

It is even crucial for improving our immune system and repairing our blood vessels.

Circadian Rhythm

This is basically each person’s internal biological clock. And when one’s circadian rhythm is not taken seriously, it can lead to an imbalance in one’s metabolic functions.

This explains why those working in shifts tend to have more health issues. Or why one experiences jet lag when one travels across time zones.

This rhythm depends on the interaction of one’s hormones in the body. For example, cortisol is directly influenced by the lack of proper sleep, and, in turn, has a negative effect on one’s blood glucose levels and insulin regulation.

The Negative Effects of Improper Sleep

Decreased Sensitivity to Insulin

There is a number of studies that show this. And this can happen even if you lack sleep for less than a week. This, of course, also makes your blood sugar levels rise and makes you less capable of dealing with this high glucose.

Increases One’s Appetite

There appears to be a very strong link between sleep quality and CDC. This is because your body’s production of leptin (the ‘fullness hormone) is decreased while the production of ghrelin (the hunger hormone) increases.

The result is a constant hunger that, no matter what or how much you eat, you cannot seem to satiate.

Craving Carbohydrates

There are many who report having an increased craving for carbs, and this includes starchy and salty snacks, as well as sweets. This is due to the activation of your brain’s reward centers.

This means that you’re not just hungrier, but you’re also more prone to making the wrong diet choices.

Increases Inflammation, Disease, Fatigue…

Poor sleep has been linked on more than one occasion with increased inflammation, which leads to many other diseases and feeling tired all the time.

Ironically, cortisol counts as one of your body’s main natural anti-inflammatory agents, but the opposite can occur when one is sleep-deprived.

More reason why everyone needs restorative sleep is that a lack of it can lead to cardiovascular issues, memory loss, anxiety, depression, and even higher chances of premature death.

We think those are all very good reasons, so here is how to make sure you get a proper shut-eye.

Make It a Priority

Even though you can’t always have control over such things, it is vital to make sleep one of your topmost priorities. Those who do seem to sleep for an extra 36 minutes on average per night.

Regular Exercise

Those who have NIH and are more active throughout their day, in general, have a higher quality of sleep than those who do not.

Develop a Proper Routine

You should try and create a habit for yourself to go to bed at around the same time each night. It would be ideal if that time was before 11 PM.

The best way to make sure you feel sleepy is to reduce any technology or bright screens (or any other overly active activities) and instead turn to a nice relaxing book or calming music.

We Are What We Eat

And apparently, you sleep how you eat as well. Consuming foods that are poor in fiber leads to disturbed sleep. That’s why it’s a no-brainer to include foods low in carbs and high in protein and fiber in your daily diet.

Also, keep in mind that while you should definitely drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated, you should avoid drinking too much in the evening as that will lead to you having to get up in the middle of the night to urinate, thus ruining your sleep quality.

Furthermore, it has been proven time and time again that we tend to make unhealthier food choices as the evening progresses. So, it would be wise to stay away from the fridge for a few hours before hitting the sack.

We are sure we don’t need to inform you that both alcohol and caffeine can lead to an improper sleep cycle. But so can some supplements you may be taking before bed, though this can vary from person to person.

Exposure to Natural Daylight

Exposing yourself to natural sunlight, particularly in the mornings will not only supply you with much-needed vitamin D but also improve your sleep quality. It is also helpful for aiding the synthesis of melatonin.

This can be an ‘easier said than done situation for those of you who live in places that are not exactly abundant in sunlight.

That’s why you should also consider getting yourself a UV sun lamp, which will come in handy, especially during those gloomy winter months.

Avoid Bright and Artificial Light After Sundown

As we already advised, it’s best to avoid bright-screened electronics the closer you get to your bedtime.

Also, if your lamps are too bright, you can replace them with dimmer ones as too much light can disturb one’s sleep process. You can even opt for sleep masks or blackout curtains.

Put Your Mind at Ease

Worrying and constantly racing thoughts will naturally disturb your sleep quality. So try meditating or otherwise relaxing in order to give your mind some much-needed rest.

There are plenty of relaxation techniques and Sleep Foundation you can try to achieve this. See what works best for you.

Use Tracking Apps

Even though using a tracking app won’t help you sleep any better, they are at least partially able to analyze your sleep patterns and movements, which may be of some use.

That way you can inform yourself about your own sleep patterns and devise a strategy for improving them.

Furthermore, we tend to prioritize and organize things more if we are able to track them better. This means we might make better decisions based on the information which these apps can provide.

There you go, ladies and gentlemen. Remember, you don’t have to be diagnosed with diabetes in order to get proper sleep.

Decent shut-eye is a must for everyone, as it greatly improves their overall well-being. Nighty-night!


  • Gabriela

    Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Diabetes Health Page, Fitness trainer and instructor has dedicated her career to educating and informing people for over 10 years. As one of the most passionate diabetes advocates, Gabi has worked tirelessly to ensure that those people receive the education and support they need to properly manage their diabetes and achieve their health, fitness and weight loss goals.

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