March 28


How to Pick the Right Diet That Won’t Spike Blood Sugar Levels

By Gabriela

March 28, 2022

Looking for a tasty, yet healthy diet to keep blood sugar levels in check and get leaner in the process? Getting a leaner and healthier body can be extremely beneficial, especially if we have trouble managing our blood sugar levels. Besides, a good diet can reduce the risk of heart disease, and high blood pressure, and it can help manage blood glucose. But, whatever food we decide to pick, it is important to never go for the quick fix. Instead, we should choose something that is rich in nutrients and can be beneficial in the long run. This is how we can achieve just that. These tips can help pick the right diet.

Tips to Pick the Right Diet

There are countless diets out there that promise to have potent health benefits. Here are the most common diets out there that many people are advised to take. Aside from picking the right diet, here are some tips that can also be beneficial for monitoring blood sugar levels.
  • Paying attention to the portion size ( it is important to pay attention to the number of carbohydrates and calories we consume to keep the glucose in check );
  • Picking the right choices for a healthy meal (fill the plate with a quarter of protein, half vegetables, and a quarter of carbohydrates ).
Of course, there are countless diets out there that can help with weight loss. But, they are not all beneficial for those with diabetes. That is why we will only focus on foods that are good for blood sugar levels.

Best Diets for Those with Diabetes

Here are the best and healthiest diets we can pick for managing our blood sugar levels.

1. Mediterranean Diet

This diet is based on eating plenty of vegetables, healthy fats, nuts, and reduced meat intake. Instead of red meat, this diet recommends we get the necessary amount of calories from grains, then vegetables, fruits, beans, and dairy. If we want to consume more fats, a Mediterranean diet suggests we eat olive oil and avocados every day. Also, we can eat eggs, sweets, fish, and poultry a few times every week. But, red meat is allowed only a few times each month.

2. DASH Diet

This diet is meant to reduce blood pressure. But, it can do more than that. The famous DASH diet, also known as Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension is a well-planned diet filled with nutrients. It is rich in grains, vegetables, and fruits. What is most important is that DASH is low in fat, sodium, and sugar. For example, in one 2,000-calorie Dash plan, we can eat:
  • 4 or 5 servings of veggies;
  • 6-8 servings of whole grains;
  • 4 or 5 servings of fruits;
  • 2 or 3 servings of dairy;
  • 6 or fewer servings of meats.
Feel free to implement about 4 portions of seeds, nuts, and legumes. As we can see, this diet is truly filling.

3. A Plant-Based Diet

This diet is best suited for vegans and vegetarians since it dramatically limits the intake of meats. A vegetarian diet cuts the intake of meats, but allows dairy foods, while a vegan diet limits both dairy and meat. A plant-based diet is rich in nutrients that can boost overall health. Eating plenty of veggies and fruits can boost our digestion and immune system.

Worst Diets for Those with Diabetes

Here are the worst type of diets for these people.

1. Diet Pills or Cleanses

All those ‘’too good to be true’’ diet pills, prescription drugs, and cleanses can have a huge impact on our overall health. These supplements are NOT approved by the FDA, which makes them highly dangerous if we have high blood sugar levels. Some of these products may cause more harm than good since they contain plenty of ingredients that will interact with our medications.

2. No or Low-Carb Diets

We should stay away from diets that recommend we avoid all sources of carbohydrates and encourage us to eat more processed and red meat. Also, foods that are high in fat and proteins can be harmful to health. These diets may help us become fitter but can affect our health in the long run. Also, if we use insulin without an adequate amount of carbohydrates, we may increase the risk of low blood sugar levels. Plus, diets that are rich in protein can increase our risk of kidney and heart disease. If we want to follow such a diet, we recommend consulting with a certified nutritionist or a doctor first. Our body may allow it, but it may interact with our medications.

3. Fasting

Fasting can be good for someone with type 2 diabetes, but not for those with type 1. Extreme calorie reduction for a long time can cause low blood sugar levels. If we are not taking any medications, it is crucial that we focus on consistent eating patterns. Otherwise, we may lose weight, but, our blood sugar levels might fluctuate. Fasting should only be done under the watchful eye of our doctor. If we fast inappropriately, we might reduce our muscle mass and increase the risk of low blood sugar levels.