April 29


How to Eat to Prevent Diabetes in Its Tracks

By Gabriela

April 29, 2022

The number of those with diabetes is constantly rising, which is not surprising if we think about the food choices we make and the stressful life most people live. If the current trend continues, 1 in 3 adults will have diabetes by 2050, according to the CDC. Prediabetes precedes type 2 diabetes. It’s characterized by blood glucose levels that are higher than normal, but lower to be diagnosed as diabetes. And, there are many people with this condition, and most of them are not even aware of it. But, having prediabetes means people are close to developing a lifelong disease that can cause many health complications. That’s why people should do regular blood tests and take the necessary precautions if they are diagnosed with prediabetes. One of the most important necessary precautions to make is to change the diet into one that will regulate blood glucose levels. Everyone can benefit from eating healthy foods that don’t cause significant blood sugar spikes not just those with prediabetes or diabetes. Here are several tips that will tell people how to eat to prevent diabetes and keep their blood sugar levels in check.

How to Eat to Prevent Diabetes

The certified diabetes educator at the Diabetes & Nutrition Center at Northwest Hospital in Randallstown, MD, Barbara Borick, gives several rules of healthy eating for proper blood sugar control.

1. Avoid Sugary Drinks

This includes sodas, juices, sweet teas, sweetened lemonade, mocha latte coffee, or any other sugary drink. Borick explains all of these drinks increase the risk of obesity, and they won’t even help people feel full. Instead, drink water, or organic lemon juice.

2. Reduce the Portion Size

As Borcik explains, people don’t have to stop eating their favorite foods, but just reduce the amount of them. This refers especially to starchy foods like pasta, white potatoes, and white rice.

3. Increase the Intake of Fiber

Add various fiber-rich foods to the diet, such as beans, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. They will help people feel full for longer, thus avoiding overeating and gaining weight. Just avoid canned veggies with added salt.

4. Choose the Fats

Our diet should also contain fats, but only from healthy sources. These include avocados, seeds, nuts, olive oil, and vegetable oils. Choose fat-free or low-fat dairy like skim milk, low-fat or non-fat yogurt, and reduced-fat cheese.

5. Drink Alcohol in Moderate Amounts

Women can have no more than one drink a day, and men no more than two. One drink is five ounces of wine and 12 ounces of beer.

6. Pick the Right Lean Meats

Look for lean red meat that has the word “loin” or “round” in its name, and don’t forget to trim all visible fat. Choose turkey without the skin and white meat chicken. Also, eat fish 2-3 times a week. Always choose baking, grilling, roasting, or broiling instead of frying it to keep it lean.

7. Drink Lots of Water

Staying hydrated is of vital importance for health, especially if some have prediabetes or diabetes as it helps reduce blood sugar levels. Also, when we’re thirsty, our body needs water and not food, so we shouldn’t mistake it for hunger. This can prevent us from overeating and weight gain.

8. Never Skip Breakfast

Having a healthy breakfast will activate our metabolism and prevent us from overeating later in the day. Examples of healthy breakfasts include eggs with whole-wheat toast, oatmeal, etc. Even though diet plays a crucial part in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and prediabetes, we shouldn’t forget to stay physically active and manage stress in the best possible way.