Following a medication therapy is an absolutely suitable way of treating your diabetes.
Taking your medication along with an exercise routine, as well as a carefully constructed and planned out diet is the only way to go for regulating and managing your blood sugar levels.
The different types of meds work differently and trigger different parts of your system.
Common Medication Used to Treat Diabetes:
- Glipizide - Triggering the pancreas to produce more insulin;
- Metformin - Triggering your body to make more efficient use out of insulin. However, you might want to read how metformin affects your overall health here;
- Acarbose - To block the system from producing too much glucose in the blood.
It’s important to speak to a professional if you have any allergies, are going to surgery, are breastfeeding or are currently pregnant, or you’re already taking some kind of medication.
If you get a prescription for medication, it’s important to take it regularly and on time. If it happens that you forget to take your tablets on time, make sure to drink them the second you remember because you don’t want too much time to pass by.
Make sure to keep all your tablets and other medicine in a dark and cold place, all separated from each other, just in case.
Some of the side effects medicine can affect your bodies are low blood sugar and stomach pain.
If you have low sugar levels, make sure to take an ice cube or have a spoonful of honey to get yourself back on track. If your stomach hurts, make sure to speak to a doctor to get some advice on what to do.
Make a list of all your tablets and the regimen that you have to take them in. It will be best for you to feel organized and make everything on time.
If you feel as though the medication is not doing its job, talk to a doctor about taking insulin injections.
Finally, here are some tips that might help you take better care of your meds. Always bring your medication list to your doctor so that they get a perspective on your health condition, keep all your tablets in a box so it's all in place, and make a schedule of what to take when.
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